Has been reproduced on this web site with the kind permission of the Dore Lake Historical Society.
History is the record of what has happened in the past, however long ago, or however recent. Reading and knowing about our past enriches the mind and tantilizes the spirit. It enables us to gain knowledge about ourselves as individuals, in order that we may successfully participate in community living.
Learning about our local community history enlightens us about many things. It tells us of our origins and the origins of the area we live in. It attempts to explain how and why things came to be done the way they are. Knowing our history enables us to interpret the thoughts and comprehend the actions of men and women, who lived in the community during the past. Furthermore, we learn to appreciate the uniqueness of the different eras in time and question the change that occurred over these periods. After completing the reading of any community history we have obtained a good awareness of its past heritage and begin to realize its future potential.
A historical study of people, places, and events can never be fully complete. There are always a few facts, stories and names that are forgotten, or, never discovered. This is due to the availability and sources of the historical data.
Interpreting and assembling historical information into a cohesive and comprehensive readable work is a process that takes time. All possible sources of information must be checked and exhausted before the project is considered complete.
I have always had a curiosity and sense of wonder about the past. I'd like to thank the residents of Dore Lake for their co-operation in allowing me to fulfill my curiosity about the unique history of their community. Much appreciation is extended to all those who contributed to this book, and for their utmost patience and sincere trust given with the valued photographs and autobiographies.
Special thanks to:
Hugh Campbell for proof-reading the book - Lloyd Rodwell, Saskatchewan Archives Board, Archivist for aiding me in my research, Florence Viden - who handled book distribution and financial arrangements - Tony Kowalczyk for his inspiration and co-operation, which enabled me to undertake this project.
The following "old timers" passed on while this book was being assembled:
Erick Viden
Chris Stepper
Marion Goliath
Harry Husak
John Thompson
Arise ye by-gone memories
Sweet memories of the past,
Return the tuneful melodies
that once were round me cast.
By J.E. Pollack, 1883.
Please Note - All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in newspapers or magazines.
ISBN 0-88925-409-5
Published by Dore Lake Historical Society, General Delivery, Dore Lake, Saskatchewan, SOM OJO
First printing, 1983
Printed and bound in Canada by Friesen Printers, a Division of D. W. Friesen and Sons Ltd. Altona, Manitoba, ROG OBO, Canada