The unanticipated discovery of over 3,700 names of mink ranchers before 1940 presented us with a worrisome problem in the organization of this history. Originally we intended to tell the stories of the early mink people, province by province, and to add the names and addresses of the few, about which we knew only their identity, at the end of the appropriate provincial chapters. When the few became many we abandoned this plan and decided to list all ranchers alphabetically by province as the final chapter. The "when" is the date when these people were first mentioned. In a few instances, it is the date when they started mink ranching but mostly it is the first record of their existence as mink people. It serves two purposes. It establishes where they fit in the scheme of things and it enables future researchers to look in the proper area for further information.
Fur Farming in Canada 2nd edition 1914, is our earliest major source. From then to 1924, fur magazines and newspapers filled the gap. In 1924, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics began an eleven-year period of listing all fur farmers' names and addresses. There were some years missed. We could not find the 1925 list and we know there was no list in 1930 and the 1931 and 1932 lists were combined. The 1935 list was the last to have Canada-wide names and addresses. We were delighted to find the Yukon Territory mink ranchers listed in this eleven-year period.
In 1938, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics published a list of fur farmers in the Maritimes.
Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries fur farm license list for 1939 contained over 800 mink rancher names. Stephen Poliquin sent us the 1940 Quebec list of licensed mink ranchers. It was a faded copy and we are in doubt as to some names and many initials.
Lists of names are fine things for a historian to have, but if it hadn't been for the various fur magazines we wouldn't have known much about these people. All the preceding chapters derive much of their interesting information from the publications. The present-day mink industry owes a debt of gratitude to the editors who preserved our early history.
Prince Edward Island
Ferguson, E. A - Charlottetown - 1929
Forbes, J. R - Bedeque - 1929
Hancock, Lowell W - Summerside - 1938
Harding & Heartz - Charlottetown - 1930
Heartz, Frank R - Charlottetown - 1929
Ives, Isaac - Montague - 1914
Jenkins, R. L - Bedeque - 1929
Jones, J. Walter - Charlottetown - 1938
Large, Reuben R - Wilmot Valley - 1932
Maclntyre Bros. - Mount Stewart - 1929
MacLeod, J. F and A. C - Kensington - 1929
McLeod, W. P - Charlottetown - 1929
McLeod, K. H - Kensington - 1931
McNutt, Frank - Malpeque - 1931
McPhail, Walter S - Argyle Shore - 1929
Monkley, E. H - Summerside - 1929
Moore Arthur G - Charlottetown - 1932
Mott, H. C - Summerside - 1929
Mutch, J. Robert - Summerside - 1929
Noonan, Byron - Bedegtte - 1932
Proffitt, James B. - Kensington - 1928
Reymond, Raoul M - Charlottetown - 1938
Robertson, James - East Baltic - 1938
Rodd, James E - Charlottetown - 1929
Saunders, J. L - Kensington - 1931
Scales, Austin - St. Eleanors - 1910
Sheen, Nelson - Tyne Valley - 1929
Sheen, William - Tyne Valley - 1909
Waldron, Nelson - Tyne Valley - 1909
Wigginton, Lorne - Cardigan - 1938
Wisner, N .A - Charlottetown - 1937
Nova Scotia
Amirault, Demetrius - New Edinburgh -1938
Amirault, Louis P. Jr - New Edinburgh - 1938
Andrews, Charles G - Tusket - 1932
Annis, Harold - Nictaux Falls - 1932
Archibald, Orison - Truro - 1938
Armour, George O - Middleton - 1938
Armstrong, Lawrence E - BelNeck - 1938
Atkinson, Dr. E. P - Northport - 1914
Atwood, Harry R - Barrington - 1935
Babcock, R. S - Halifax - 1938
Babin, A. N - Tusket - 1932
Babin, Joseph - St. Alphonse de Clare - 1935
Babin, Odelon - Belleville North - 1938
Baker, Leo - Port George - 1927
Baker, St. Clair J - Margaretville - 1938
Baker, Wilfred L - Middleton -1925
Banks, Percy G - Brickton - 1914
Bare, Thomas A - Port Medway - 1934
Barr, Mrs. Robert G - Shubenacadie - 1938
Barr, Stephen - Weaver Settlement - 1938
Barr, William C - Weaver Settlement - 1938
Baxter, Smith - Maitland Bridge - 1938
Beach, Edgar - Westfield - 1914
Bellefontaine, W. - Marshy Hope - 1932
Belliveau, Desire - Weymouth - 1938
Belliveau, Joseph C - St. Francis Harbour - 1934
Belliveau, Urbain - Belliveau's Cove - 1938
Bennett, George Allan - Truro - 1935
Benson, J. C. H - Bridgetown - 1936
Bishop, J. D - Round Hill - 1938
Bishop, Walter B - Ellerhouse - 1926
Boates, Joseph - Westville - 1938
Boates and Son, William W - Westville - 1932
Bonnyman, Aubrey J - Bayhead - 1938
Boudreau, Alphee - Concession - 1938
Boudreau, Nelson F - Lower Wedgeport - 1938
Bourque, Theodore - Sluice Point - 1938
Boutilier, Earl - Lower Tantallon - 1938
Bower, Carlyle A - Shelburne - 1933
Bower, George W - Shelburne - 1938
Bowers, C. Bernard - Westport - 1938
Bowlby, Neil - Wilmot Station - 1938
Boyd, R. Jost - Yarmouth - 1925
Brannan, Alden - Upper Woods Harbour - 1928
Brechin, J. - Upper Nine Mile River - 1914
Breen, Anthony - Cape Jack - 1932
Briggs, David Edward - Dartmouth - 1938
Brown, H. R - Pugwash - 1934
Burgess, H. C S. W. - Port Mouton - 1929
Burke, James - Glace Bay - 1932
Card, Walter F - Upper Vaughan's - 1929
Carmichael, John M - Tarbot - 1938
Carty, William - Pubnico Head - 1914
Cavanagh, C. C. and Oscar - Tusket - 1914
Charles, Joseph - Hectanooga - 1914
Chisholm, Angus - Glassburn - 1938
Chisholm, Mrs. Ella - Alton - 1938
Christie, Ashley B - Brass Hill - 1938
Coady, Judson F - Cranton - 1938
Cole, G. A - Chester - 1914
Collupy, Robert Ira - Birchtown - 1938
Comeau, Benjamin - Meteghan - 1938
Comeau, Denis L - St. Martin de Clare - 1938
Comeau, Emery J - Comeauville - 1938
Comeau, Gustave L - Comeauville - 1938
Comeau, Irenee - St. Alphonse de Clare - 1938
Comeau, J. Alphie - Meteghan River - 1938
Comeau, James J - St. Alphonse de Clare - 1938
Comeau, Hon. J. Willie - Comeauville - 1935
Comeau, Ulysse E - Meteghan River - 1938
Commins, Miss Madeline A- Lockport - 1938
Conrad, Roswell J - First South - 1932
Cope, Alexander - Truro - 1935
Cope, Edward - Truro - 1929
Corbett, Keith J - Bass River - 1938
Corbin, P. G - West Lahave - 1914
Corkum, Mark - Feltz South - 1920
Corkum, Willis A - North Middle Lahave - 1929
Cotnam, Frank - Meteghan - 1929
Covey, Cecil H - Shelburne - 1934
Cranton, G. W - Amherst - 1914
Creaser, Naaman - River Port - 1932
Cross, George H. M - Second Peninsula - 1935
Crowe, Robert - Belmont - 1938
Dakin, Cecil C - Centreville - 1938
Dakin, Willie B - Centreville -1938
Davis, Edward M - Shelburne - 1935
D'Entremont, Alfred S Lower West Pubnico 1932
D'Entremont, Clifford - Eel Brook - 1929
D'Entremont, Cyriac R - Upper West Pubnico - 1938
D'Entremont, Ed. J - Eel Brook - 1934
D'Entremont, L. M - Middle West Pubnico - 1929
D'Eon, Charles A - Upper West Pubnico - 1938
Deveau, Isaac B - Eel Brook - 1934
Deveau, John F - Meteghan - 1914
Deveau, Melburne - Lake Doucette - 1938
Deveau, Wilfred - Mavillette - 1938
Dickie, Ira S - Pubnico - 1938
Doane, Stanley - Barrington - 1914
Doherty, Kamp - Great Village - 1914
Donaldson, Clyde R - Enfield - 1938
Doucett, Henry - South Belleville - 1938
Doucette, Dennis 0 - New Edinburgh - 1938
Doucette. Elie E - New Edinburgh - 1938
Doucette, Monde - Eel Brook - 1938
Dugas, James Eugene - Doucetteville - 1938
Duran, Edward - Weaver Settlement - 1938
Durling, Perley J - Bridgetown - 1938
Earle, Bowman - Pleasant Lake - 1938
Edgewood Ranch - Shubenacadie - 1914
Eisner, James O - Chester Basin - 1938
Ellis, C. Gordon - Digby - 1938
Feener, Ernest G - New Albany - 1932
Feindal, A. B. and Norman - New Germany - 1914
Feindel, Raymond - Brooklyn - 1938
Fenerty, H. L - Queensland - 1938
Findlay, John H - Glengarry Station - 1938
Fisher, John R - Tatamagouche - 1938
Flynn, William - Church Point - 1938
Forsyth, Ernest - Kentville - 1914
Foster, Arthur H - Barton - 1938
Frame, Albert F - Gay's River - 1932
Fraser, A. Ernest - Lower Caledonia - 1932
Freeman, Douglas - Kempt - 1938
Gardner, Carroll R - Brooklyn - 1927
Gardner, E. M - Brooklyn - 1914
Gates, Harold B - Victoriavale - 1928
Gates, Sydenham - South Ohio - 1938
Gaudet, Bernie - Meteghan - 1929
Gaudett, Daniel J - Havelock - 1938
Gerrard, Herbert - Spry Bay - 1938
Gill, Dr. Arthur - Truro - 1927
Godden, Bertram - New Glasgow - 1929
Goodwin, Arnold J - Lower Argyle - 1938
Goodwin, Harold E - Argyle - 1938
Goodwin, Reginald - Lower Argyle - 1914
Gordon, Rev. J. Z - Deerfield - 1929
Goulden, Robert E - Gunning Cove - 1938
Grady, Alton C - St. Francis Harbour - 1935
Grady, William L - Port Shoreham - 1935
Greeno, Austin E - Amherst - 1938
Greeno, Miss Jennie M- Newport - 1928
Greeno, Martin T - Newport - 1924
Gregory, Albert - Shelburne - 1938
Grimm, Edward L - Parkdale - 1929
Haines, R. Waldo - Martin Brook - 1938
Hallett, R. Stanley - Weymouth - 1926
Hanright, Eric B - Dartmouth - 1938
Harnish, Guy P - Halifax - 1938
Harrington, Anthony - Hectanooga - 1932
Harris, Henry - Port Williams - 1938
Hart, M. G - Cranton Section - 1938
Hatfield, Mrs. Edna - South Ohio - 1929
Hatfield, Isaac - Carleton - 1928
Hatfield, Oscar - Tusket - 1929
Hemeon and Sheppard - Liverpool - 1914
Hemeon, W. L - East Ragged Islands - 1914
Hennigan, Dr. C. S - Liverpool - 1914
Hicks, E. A. and H. B - Bridgetown - 1914
Hicks, S. B Aylesford - 1938
Hill, Arthur J - Springhaven - 1938
Hilton, Bradford W - South Ohio - 1932
Hiltz, R. J - Millville - 1932
Hisler, George J - St. Margaret Bay - 1914
Hood, Alex - Alton - 1934
Horne, Philip C - Enfield - 1938
Hubley, Lester E - Seabright - 1935
Hurst, George H - Port Hillford - 1914
Jamieson, Harold - Upper Gulf Shore - 1933
Jeffrey, John R - Kemptville - 1932
Johnson, Elmer - Waterford - 1933
Johnstone, Cyril A. P - Dartmouth - 1938
Jones, Glyn - Springhill - 1927
Keith, Donald - Waterville - 1938
Kempton, Purney D- Kempt - 1938
Kenney, Ernest - Atwood's Brook - 1927
Kierstead, R. M - Wolfville - 1932
Knickle, Harry - Stonehurst - 1935
Kulik, Fred - West Bay - 1932
Lake, Raymond - Pembroke - 1932
Larkin, Mitchell - Upper Shag Harbour - 1938
Latta, Ivan - McL River Hebert - 1938
Lawrence, G. A - Lakeville - 1938
Layton, Fred S - Truro -1927
Le Blanc, Joseph - Little Brook - 1932
Le Blanc, Lionel A - Amirault Hill - 1938
Le Blanc, Louis - South Belleville - 1935
Le Blanc, Louis E - Amirault Hill - 1938
Legere, Roy - Amherst - 1932
Lent, William H - Tusket - 1914
Lewis, Budd C - Danvers - 1932
Lewis, Ralph M Lr. - Five Islands - 1938
Lunenburg Mink Ranch - Lunenburg - 1914
Lynds, Arnold L - Belmont - 1938
Lynds, Layton - Wentworth Centre - 1938
MacAlpine, Harley - Hassets - 1932
MacAulay. James C - Port Morien - 1929
MacDonald, Clarence E. K - New Glasgow - 1938
MacDonald, Edmund S - Halifax - 1914
MacDonald, John A - Portage East Bay - 1938
MacDonald, John N - West Middle River - 1938
MacDonald, Murdoch J - Tarbot - 1938
MacDonald, W. D - Nyanza - 1933
Maclnnis, John - Breton Cove - 1937
Maclver, John - Nyanza - 1932
MacKay, George W - New Glasgow - 1932
MacKay, R. S - Albany - 1939
MacKenzie, A. E - Sydney - 1932
MacKenzie, Dan P - West Middle River - 1938
MacKenzie, James Corbett - Pugwash - 1932
MacLellan, Martin A - Big Pond Centre - 1935
MacLeod, A. E - Middle River - 1938
MacLeod, Laurier - St. Patrick's Channel - 1938
MacLeod, M. A - Orangeville - 1938
MacNaughton, D. G - St. Patrick's Channel - 1938
MacPhail, John Gordon - River Denys Station - 1932
MacPherson, R. H - Port Hood - 1914
Mack, E. E - Mill Village - 1933
Marshall, Donald - North Range - 1938
Matthews, Allen - East Ragged Island - 1938
Major, Edward - Middle Sackville - 1927
McArthur, Leonard - Wyvern - 1933
McDermid, George - Rivulet - 1924
McDonald, James - Lunenburg - 1914
McDonald, W. D - Nyanza - 1932
McDonnell, Berton - Renfrew Gold Mines - 1914
McInnis, Roddie Norman - Rear Black River -1926
McKay, James W - Amherst - 1938
McKinnon, James - Whycocomagh - 1914
McLean, Fred C - Port Saxon - 1938
McLean, M. A - Orangedale - 1938
McLellan, Edward H - River Philip - 1932
McLeod, Alex - Whycocomagh Bay - 1914
McPhail, A. W - Marble Mountain - 1932
McPhail, Dr. Donald T - Whycocomagh - 1914
McPhail, Stuart - Marble Mountain - 1933
McQuarrie, Hector - Blue's Mills - 1935
McRae, David A - West Middle River - 1907
McRae, Douglas - West Middle River - 1935
Meagher, Bernard F - Mulgrave - 1932
Melanson, A. R - Eel Brook - 1929
Melanson, John J- Heatherton - 1938
Melanson, Theodore J - Belliveau's Cove - 1938
Melvin, Reg - Melvern Square - 1939
Messinger, Spurgeon U- Bridgetown - 1930
Meuse, Walter J - South Belleville - 1938
Moland and Sons, David - East Chester - 1914
Moore, Raymond - Grand Lake - 1938
Morehouse, Allison T - Centreville - 1938
Morehouse, Reuben - Centreville - 1914
Morrisey, Richard - Weymouth - 1938
Morrison, Dan M - Tarbot Vale - 1938
Morton, Wilbur H - Lower Argyle - 1938
Muir, Jessie M - Bridgetown - 1938
Muise, Clifford - East Chebogue - 1938
Muise, Gerald P - Grande Greve - 1938
Muise, Louis E - Bell Neck - 1932
Muise, Stephen - Hubbard's Point - 1938
Mulhall, D. C - Liverpool - 1914
Mullen, Earl - Havelock - 1938
Mullen, Frank - Havelock - 1931
Mullen, Herbert S - New Tusket - 1932
Mullen, Minot - Havelock - 1931
Mullen, Oswald S - Rossway -1932
Mullen, Wallace P. and Edsel - New Tusket - 1930
Mullen, Winston B - New Tusket - 1938
Munro, George A - Truro - 1914
Munro, R. M - East Wentworth - 1914
Munroe, Dan - Halifax - 1938
Munroe, Frank - West Middle River - 1938
Murphy, Alvin B - Murphy's Cove - 1932
Murphy, Ulysseys - West Chezzetcook - 1938
Murray, Alex C Mulgrave - 1934
Murray, Henry - Tatamagouche - 1938
Neily, Melbourne P - Middleton - 1938
Newcombe, R. W - Ellerhouse - 1914
Nicholson, John A - Gairloch - 1935
Nickerson, Herman A - River Head -1938
Nickerson, Hilton E. and Jack - Lower Clark's Harbour - 1938
Nickerson, John Edward - Barrington - 1938
Nickerson, Philip - Barrington - 1938
Nickerson, Vasil - West Head - 1935
Nickerson, W. M - Port La Tour - 1938
Norman, Alexander - West La Have - 1929
Nowe, Robert - Vogler's Cove - 1914
Nowe, Robert F - Vogler's Cove - 1929
Nowe, William S - First South - 1932
Orde, Percy and Harry - Maitland - 1938
Orie, Spechts - Centreviile - 1914
Oxley, R. S - Middleton - 1938
Parker, Frederick - Berwick - 1914
Pentz, Everett - La Have- 1938
Perry, F. R - Atlantic - 1938
Perry, Henry A - Ingomar - 1938
Peterkin, F - Lunenburg - 1914
Polly, Dr. George A - Lunenburg - 1914
Porper, Joseph H - Manassette Lake - 1934
Porter, Fred - Advocate Harbour - 1914
Potter, Israel - Clements Port - 1938
Pottier, Angus Paul - Belleville North - 1938
Powers, W. T - Lunenburg - 1914
Prime, Gordon E - New Tusket - 1938
Prime, Guy - New Tusket - 1929
Publicover, Roy E - Crescent Beach - 1934
Purdy, William J - Jackson - 1914
Quinlan, Miss Viola M - Middleton - 1934
Rafuse, Joseph S - Parkdale - 1914
Randall, James H - Bayfield - 1938
Rapp, Alton - Roseway - 1938
Raynard, Vernon L - Glenwood - 1938
Read, John L - Pictou - 1914
Reeves, F. H - Oldham - 1914
Rhodeniser, C. L - Mosher Island - 1927
Rice, Dr. J. H - Halifax - 1938
Richardson, Maurice - Indian Harbour - 1938
Ritcey, Albert J - Stanley Section - 1914
Ritcey, L. A - Riverport - 1932
Ritcey, Oscar - Riverport - 1929
Robbins, Bernard - Tiverton - 1938
Roberts, Cyril Arnold - Truro - 1927
Robertson, F. A - Port Mouton - 1932
Robichaud, John L - Gilberts Cove - 1938
Robicheau, Amelia - Maxwellton - 1938
Robicheau, Edgar - Waterford - 1933
Rogers, Horace G - Middleton - 1927
Ross, A. R - Brooklyn - 1932
Ross, Colin - Marches West Bay - 1933
Roy, Percy - Port Mouton - 1929
Russell, Roy - Clam Harbour - 1934
Russell, Wallace - Clam Harbour - 1934
Ryer, Albert E - Barrington - 1938
Ryer, S. L - Barrington - 1938
Sabean, Mrs. Gertrude - Havelock - 1938
Sabean, Walter L - Riverdale - 1932
Sabine, Leigh - Riverdale - 1935
Salt, William Falmouth - 1914
Sanford, Sandie - Chester - 1914
Saulnier, Ambroise - St. Alphonse de Clare - 1938
Saulnier, Frank - Mavillette - 1938
Saulnier, Frank M - Weymouth - 1938
Saulnier, George - Meteghan - 1938
Saulnier, Patrick - St. Alphonse de Clare - 1938
Saunders, Alfred G - Truro - 1935
Sears, Herbert D - Central Woods Harbour - 1930
Sears, Ronald - Shag Harbour - 1938
Seelig, Elijah W - Bakers Settlement - 1932
Shand, Elroy - Upper Shag Harbour - 1938
Shand, Ira J - Bear Point - 1938
Silver, Elbert - Bridgewater - 1914
Simon, Eric Otto - South Milford - 1938
Simpson, Ernest H - Kentville -1938
Simpson, Lloyd Bernard - Middleton - 1938
Sims, W. Pryor - Liverpool - 1938
Slauenwhite, Gerald R - Tantallon - 1932
Slaughenwhite, John - Tantallon - 1914
Smith, Alex A - Vogler's Cove - 1914
Smith, D. M - Springhill - 1914
Smith, Donald - Nyanza - 1938
Smith, Harry A - Middleton - 1938
Smith, J. D - Clyde River - 1914
Smith, James - New Chester - 1938
Smith, John - Shinimecas - 1914
Smith, John A - North River - 1938
Smith, John R - Heatherton - 1938
Smith, W. L - Port Mouton - 1929
Sollows, Elias - Tiverton - 1932
Spearing, John I - Cambridge - 1932
Spence, Murdock M - Springhill - 1932
Spencer, Ralph E - Londonderry - 1938
Sperry, A. H - Petite Riviere - 1914
Spicer, Cecil R - Truro - 1938
Sproul. Dr. G. A - Springhill - 1927
Stead, Frank B - Kentville - 1938
Stevens, Spencer S - Lunenburg - 1930
Stewart, Robert C - Chester Basin - 1914
Stewart, Robert C - Pentz - 1938
Stoddart, J. L - Lawrencetown - 1938
Stone, Dr. Leo - Clementsport - 1938
Stuart, H. A - Port Mouton - 1929
Surette, Augustin - Lower Eel Brook - 1938
Surette, Joseph Sylvain - Eel Brook - 1935
Surette, Peter A - Eel Brook - 1935
Surette, Roger and Jerry - Lower Eel Brook - 1938
Swaine, Charles N - Upper Port La Tour - 1938
Sweeney, Heber M - Lunenburg - 1914
Sweeney, W. P - Middleton - 1938
Swinimer, Fred F - Vaughans - 1926
Tanner, Aaron - Stonehurst - 1924
Tanner, Forbes - Stonehurst - 1935
Tanner, Murray - Lunenburg - 1932
Tanner, Ronald - Stonehurst - 1926
Tanner, Victor - Stonehurst - 1932
Tanner, William E - Eastern Points - 1932
Tanner, Mrs. Wm. E - Lunenburg - 1935
Theriault, John E - Belliveau's Cove - 1938
Thibault, Anselme - Church Point - 1938
Thornton and Bancroft - Joggins Bridge - 1914
Townsend, Fred - Truro - 1931
Townsend, H. - Alyn Valley - 1936
Townsend, Laurie - Alyn Valley - 1938
Trahan, Albert J - Digby - 1932
Tretheway, Leslie H - Springfield - 1938
Trueman, Osburn - Shinimecas - 1914
Tuttle, Lawrence S - Pugwash - 1932
Urquhart, Donald F - West Bay - 1932
Van Buskirk, William A - Murphy Cove - 1938
Waddell, Thomas - River Hebert - 1938
Wakeling, John G - Freeport - 1938
Walsh, James H. and M - Upper Prospect - 1914
Walton, E. F - Kemptville - 1914
Walton, John - St. Bernard - 1938
Waters, Albert E - Whycocomagh - 1914
Watt, Robert Eugene - Barrington - 1938
Weaver, W. J. C - Brass Hill - 1938
Wentzell, Edwin - Beach Meadows - 1938
Wentzell, Ira L - Maplewood - 1914
West, Clyde - Milford Station - 1938
West, Harvey - Milford Station - 1938
White, John - Somerset - 1914
Whitman, Charles F - Round Hill - 1938
Whyte, Howard - Indian Path - 1932
Wight, Jas. A. and Wm. H - Eastern Points - 1914
Wight, W. Dennis - Stonehurst - 1932
Williams, Robert - Pictou - 1938
Williams, Stanley - Sissiboo Falls - 1933
Wilneff, Wallace - Stonehurst - 1914
Wiseman, Carl M - Newport - 1938
Wood, Frank - Wood's Harbour - 1938
Wood, Henry J - Annapolis Royal - 1938
Wood, Robert Burton - Annapolis Royal - 1938
Woods, Augustus - Raynardton - 1929
Worthylake, Avard H - Barton - 1933
Worthylake, Fred - Rossway - 1938
Young, Bernard T - Tiverton - 1938
Adams, Allan A - St. Francois de Sales - 1938
Adams, C. S - Mansonville - 1928
Allard, Hector - St. Cesaire - 1940
Allen, Leo - St. Jean - 1932
April, P. N - St. Martine - 1930
Armstrong, Dr. J. H. 0 - Knowlton - 1930
Arpin, Charles - St. Guillaume - 1932
Asselin, Alfred - Coaticook - 1932
Asselin, Odina - Desbiens - 1940
Astlin, P - Metis Beach - 1940
Audet, J. Marc - St. Cyprien - 1933
Ayers, E. F - La Chute - 1940
Ayotte, J. E - St. Denis de Brampton - 1929
Ayotte, Joseph - Sorel - 1940
Bailey, W. E - Mansonville - 1933
Barnes, Charles - Knowlton - 1940
Bartholdi, Luigi - Gatineau Mills - 1940
Basler, John - Morin Heights - 1932
Beals, Basil - Knowlton - 1940
Bean, E. E - North Hatley - 1932
Beaudet, L - St. Hyacinthe - 1940
Beaudet, Raymond - Mistassini - 1928
Beaudoin, Labbe and Perron - Thetford Mines - 1935
Beauregard, Arthur - Waterloo - 1940
Beausejour, Leo - St-Charles-Borromee - 1940
Bedard, Dr. A. and Phaneuf - St. Hyacinthe - 1926
Bedard, H. Delphis - Thetford Mines - 1928
Belanger, F. R - Beauport - 1933
Belanger, Georges - St. Placide - 1935
Belchor, H - Waterloo - 1940
Benoit, George - Knowlton - 1932
Bergeron, Adelard- St. Agnes - 1935
Bernadet, Raymond H - Loretteville - 1926
Bertrand, Bernardin - Hull - 1940
Bisaillon, Gilles - Cowansville - 1940
Bisonnet, Alfred J - Stanstead - 1913
Bizier, Leopold - St. Sabine - 1940
Blais, Sylvio - East Broughton - 1934
Blanchette, Joseph R - St. Henri - 1933
Bockus, F. W - Waterloo - 1940
Boffin, Clarence E - Stanbridge East - 1932
Boily, Edm - Jonquieres - 1940
Booth, Samuel C - Brigham - 1927
Bouchard, Aime - St. Come - 1935
Bouchard, Alexis - Roberval - 1940
Bouchard, F. X - Roberval - 1940
Bouchard, Ludger - St. Modeste - 1929
Boucher, Emile - St. Hubert - 1934
Boucher, Paul - Cap de la Madeleine - 1934
Boudreau, Henri - Ile a Michon - 1934
Boule, Paul - Plessisville - 1940
Boulet, T. Arthur - Montmagny - 1928
Boulter, Miss M. 0 - Lennoxville - 1937
Bourassa, Alide - St. Barnabe Nord - 1932
Bourassa, Zephirin - St. Barnabe Nord - 1933
Bourbonnais, J. H - St. Marthe - 1940
Bourke, Austin - Calumet - 1933
Bourque, J. N - Guenette - 1932
Boyd, Lee A - Knowlton - 1935
Brassard, Charles - Roberval - 1940
Brazeau, Romeo - Gatineau - 1940
Breckenridge, George B - Sherbrooke - 1932
Bressette, Paul - South Stukely - 1940
Breton, D - Limoilou - 1929
Breton, Joseph - St. Antoine - 1929
Briand, Mathias - St. Fabien - 1933
Brissard, Alphonse Olivier - Hull - 1940
Brosseau, Alphonse - Adamsville - 1940
Brown, C. W - Farnham - 1929
Brown, Maurice - Massawippi - 1934
Brown, Richard - Compton - 1935
Brunelle, Stanislas - St. Stanislas - 1932
Bullis, George E - Stanstead - 1913
Butterfield, Benjamin F - Stanstead - 1913
Cadieux, Lucien - Hull - 1940
Campbell, W. Delbert - Stanbridge East - 1940
Caron, Louis Paul - Village des Aulnaies - 1940
Carpenter, C. H - Cartierville - 1940
Castonguay, Appollinaire - St. Edouard - 1940
Chabot, J. R - St. Justine, Langevin - 1928
Chalifour, J. A - Beauport - 1932
Champagne, Paul E - Black Lake - 1933
Champagne, Wilfrid - Causapscal - 1924
Champagne, Zenon - Thetford Mines - 1934
Chartier, Calixte - Lac Masson - 1935
Chartier, W - Lac Masson - 1935
Chenard, Isadore - Bic - 1940
Chicherin, B - Ste. Therese - 1940
Chicoine, Raymond - St. Pie - 1940
Chouinard, Jean - St-Jean-Port-Joli - 1940
Clark, E. T - Chute Panet - 1933
Clegg, Henry - Chelsea Road - 1940
Clifford and Sons, John - Louisa Dunany - 1940
Cloutier, Albini - St. Fabien - 1932
Cockerline, F. M - Bedford - 1940
Coffin, Walter - No address - 1914
Collins, S. J - Jersey Mills - 1929
Comfort, E. J. and W - Cookshire - 1928
Copeland, C - La Chute - 1940
Corbeil, Henri - Ste. Rosalie - 1940
Corbett, Alfred - Morin Heights - 1934
Corriveau, Paul - Pike River - 1940
Cossette, Donat - Kenogami - 1928
Cote, Armand - St. Placide - 1932
Cote, Eloi - Chicoutimi - 1940
Cote, J. Emile - Quebec - 1937
Cote. Thomas - St. Placide - 1933
Cotton, H. H - Ste. Agathe - 1940
Couillard, Elezar - Lauzon - 1928
Cousens, Thomas E- Bolton Centre - 1932
Crane, G. A - Beaconsfield - 1940
Crawford, John J - Eastman - 1932
Cumbers, W. J - Brownsburg - 1933
Cummins, Philip - Magog - 1940
Dallaire, Adelard - Desbiens - 1932
Dallaire, Roland - St. Evariste Station - 1940
Dandaneau, M. S - Eastman - 1940
Darby, Clarence B - Farnham - 1940
Dastons, Felix - St. Fabien - 1933
Delage, Alexis - St. Giles -1927
Demers, A. H - Lisgar - 1929
Demers, Albert - St. Dominique -1940
Desmaris, Emile - Yamaska - 1933
Desormeau, Mr - Lac Chaud - 1911
De Varennes, Rev. R. A - Lac Edouard - 1929
Dion, Alphee - Roberval - 1940
Dolbel, Alfred W - Perce - 1940
Donaldson, Andre R - Roberval - 1940
Donovan, F. W - St. Come - 1940
Donovan, T. W - St. Come - 1932
Dontigney and Frere - Shawinigan Falls - 1932
Dore, Joseph - Mont Laurier - 1940
Dostaler, Arthur - Neubois - 1932
Doucet, Alphonse - St. Joseph de Mekinac - 1932
Doucet, Arthur J - Desbiens - 1940
Doucet, Donat - St. Joseph de Mekinac - 1933
Doucet, Levi - Desbiens - 1940
Doucet, Victor - St. Roch de Mekinac - 1940
Doyle, Lawrence - Desbiens - 1935
Dubois, Joseph - St. Cyprien - 1940
Dufresne, Wilfrid - St. Calixte - 1934
Dumas, Eugene - St. Lodger - 1940
Dumais, Israel - Roberval - 1940
Dunlop, Selby J - Hemmingford - 1940
Dupont, Damase - Lac Bellemare - 1927
Dupont, Elzear - Lac Bellemare - 1933
Dussault, J. R - St. Marc des Carrieres - 1932
Dussault, Louis - St. Marc des Carrieres - 1926
Dyson, E. L - Lac Saguay - 1940
Ehrensperger, Dr. H - Montreal - 1928
Evans, William - Eastman - 1930
Ewens, W. S - Eastman - 1929
Ewing, S. Gordon - Bedford - 1928
Experimental Fur Farm - St. Louis de Courville - 1940
Falt, L. E - Chelsea - 1940
Fauchon, Maurice - St. Justine, Langevin - 1940
Ferguson, Arthur - Danford Lake - 1933
Finn, Jack - Lac Edouard - 1936
Fiset, Mme. Joseph - N. D. des Laurentides - 1935
Fluet, Gerard and Olivier - Beebe - 1940
Forgues, Raymond - Frampton - 1940
Fortier, Arthur - Robertsonville - 1932
Fortier, Egide - Ste. Claire - 1940
Fortier and Labonte - Robertsonville - 1940
Fournier, Leo J - St. Justine, Langevin - 1932
Francis, W. D - Bishop's Crossing - 1928
Francoeur, Ovide - Flamand Station - 1929
Franklin, James - Frampton - 1940
Frechette, Roland - St. Zephirin - 1940
Furlatt, C. F - Dessane - 1940
Gadorette, Edmond - St. Joseph de Grantham - 1934
Gage, Ernest R - Stanbridge East - 1933
Gagne, Florian - St. Joachim - 1940
Gagne, Lucieus - Metabetcnouan - 1934
Gagnon, Elzear - St. Benoit de Matapedia - 1932
Gagnon, Irene - St. Cyprien - 1929
Gagnon, Joseph - St. Jean-Port Joli - 1932
Gagnon, Napoleon - Black Lake - 1932
Gagnon, Resimond - Desbien - 1940
Gardner, H. N - Knowlton - 1940
Gareau, August - St. Esprit - 1932
Gaudreau, L. S - Magog - 1940
Gaudreault, Aime - Lac Bouchette - 1929
Gauthier, Henri - Deschambault - 1932
Gavillet, A. E - Roxton Pond - 1940
Geoffray, J. A - Danville - 1928
Gervais, Octave - Hebertville - 1940
Giguere, Cleophas - Lambton - 1932
Giguere, Donat - Ste. Aurelie - 1932
Giguere, Elie - Ste. Aurelie - 1932
Gilbert, Aurele - Trois Rivieres - 1940
Gilbert, Walter - St. Simeon le Mines - 1932
Girard, A - St. Esprit - 1932
Girard, John A - Sheldrake - 1926
Giroux, Henri - Matane - 1940
Gnaedinger, F. G - Valleyfield - 1931
Gonthier, R. E - Barnston - 1926
Gougeon, Hugh D - Rawdon - 1932
Goulet, Placide - Luceville - 1928
Gray, Bernard L - Deschenes Mills - 1940
Gregoire, Hilaire - Thetford Mines - 1935
Grenier, Mme. - Arcade St. Polycarpe - 1940
Guay, Honore - Rumpelville - 1933
Guillemette, Charles - Jonquieres - 1940
Guillemette, Hector - St. Hugues - 1940
Gunn, Earl - D alesville - 1928
Guy, Napoleon - St. Prime - 1940
Hall, E. Raymond - East Farnham - 1929
Hamel, Pierre - Champigny - 1929
Hardy, Leger L - St. Basile - 1927
Hasard, Harold - Sutton - 1940
Hawkins, A. F - Gatineau Mills - 1940
Hollenbeck, W. E - South Stukely - 1940
Holmes and Son, J. T - Chateauguay Bassin - 1940
Holt Renfrew and Co - Quebec - 1915
Honey, Gordon - Foster - 1935
Hooker, Leslie M- Lachute - 1940
Houle, Origine - Lac Bellemare - 1932
Hudon, Maurice - Victoriaville - 1935
Hunter, Miss E - Foster - 1940
Hunter, Thomas - Hunter's Point - 1928
Hutchison, Dorion and Ross - Lake Edward - 1935
Hutchison, H. J - Charlesbourg - 1934
Huxtable, Ira E -Granby - 1929
Inglis, A. B - Foster - 1940
Inglis, C. D - Knowlton - 1940
Inglis, Clayton G - Foster - 1930
Inglis, E. C - Foster - 1940
Inglis, W. A - Foster - 1940
Jacob, Gerrard - St. Tite - 1940
Jacob, Rolland - St. Stanislas - 1929
Jacques, Arthur and Vitol - East Broughton - 1934
Jacques, Ernest - Ste. Sophie Levrard - 1929
Jenkins, Charles R - Stanstead - 1913
Jenks, Abbott C - Coaticook - 1926
Jobidon, Pierre - Chateau Richer, Petit Pre - 1940
Jobin, Mandoza - Portneuf Village - 1935
Jodouin, Ludger - Mattawa - 1927
Jones, Harry E - Lac Superieur - 1940
King, Charles K - St. Benoit de Matapedia - 1932
Knowlton, Fred - Knowlton - 1940
Korman, Albert - Mansonville - 1940
Labbe, Gerard - Ste. Marie - 1940
Labbe, J. H - St. Charles Borromee - 1938
La Belle, A. J - St. Jovite - 1938
Labonte, Jeremie - Robertsonville - 1938
Labonte, Joseph - Ste. Justine - 1940
Labrecque, Joseph - Ste. Evariste Station - 1940
Lacey, N. S - Sherbrooke - 1940
Lacombe, Armand - Roberval - 1940
La Compagnie, Zootechnique de Labelle - Lac Chaud - 1911
Lacroix, Edouard - Fortierville - 1940
Laforest, Dr. J. E - Quebec - 1925
Laliberte, Adjutor - Riviere du Loup - 1935
Laliberte, Honore - Ste. Rosalie - 1940
Lamarche, Jeremie - Abord a Plouffe - 1940
Lamb, Claude - Danville - 1940
Lambert, L - Barry River - 1932
Lamfron, E. A - Grand Mere - 1940
Lamontagne, Adelard - St. Francois - 1929
Lamontagne, Mme. Phil - Lac St. Charles - 1940
Langlois, Archey - Woodside - 1935
Langlois, Desire - Robertsonville - 1932
Langlois and Labonte - Robertsonville - 1935
Lapointe, Felix - Thetford Mines - 1933
Laurandeau and Langevin - St. Gabriel de Brandon - 1929
Lavalliere, F. H - Farnham - 1932
Leblanc, Moise - Champlain - 1940
Legault, Noe - St. Polycarpe - 1934
Leggo, Raymond A - L'Anse au Brillant - 1940
Lessard, Alphonse - St. Justin Langevin - 1928
Lessard, Joseph - St. Samuel - 1929
Letendre, J. W - Ste. Anne de Sorel - 1940
Lindsay, R. F - Quebec - 1937
Lowry, Lt. Col. W. A - Montreal - 1938
Lussier, Theodore - Howick - 1933
Lynch, Clarence - L'Epiphanie - 1940
Malkin, A - Dorval - 1928
Maltais, J. Edgar - Chicoutimi - 1914
Marceau, Eugene - St. Malachie - 1932
Marcotte, Louis - Deschambault - 1940
Martin, Adelard - St. Ferdinand d'Halifax - 1940
Martin, Armand - Montreal - 1927
Martin, Philippe and Joseph - Stadacona - 1940
Martin, Robert - Armagh Station - 1940
Martin, William - Bedford - 1940
Martineau d Frere, Adelard - St. Ferdinand d'Halifax - 1932
Marshall, Raymond - Foster - 1940
Marshall, S - Foster - 1940
Marsolais, Alphonse - L'Assomption - 1927
Mathieu, Henri - St. Prosper - 1940
McAuley, C - St. Francois de Sales - 1940
McClay, Carl C- Knowlton - 1927
McClay, H. L- Sherbrooke - 1940
McClay, J. B - Knowlton - 1940
McClintock, Major L. D - Knowlton - 1920
McCombe, Dr. John - Lennoxville - 1937
McCoy, J. A - Danville - 1932
McCuaig, J. N - Outremont - 1940
McDonald, A. E - Lakefield - 1940
McDonald, Stanley - Bedford - 1940
McEwen, Ernest W - Ormstown - 1940
McGovern, Thomas and Charles - Stanbridge East - 1932
McKenna, J - Napierville - 1928
McKenzie, A. F - Gatineau Co - 1940
McKenzie, Harold E. A - Bishop's Crossing - 1929
McKergo, Alan - Waterloo - 1940
McKim, J. N - Westmount - 1926
McLeod, J. A - Milan - 1932
McLeod, Walter - Milan - 1940
McVittie, W - Brigham -1940
Melloon, F. W. D - Stanstead - 1913
Metivier, J. A - Clarenceville - 1940
Miller, Arthur F - Poltimore - 1934
Miller, George H - Bedford - 1940
Morel, John - St. Joseph d'Alma - 1940
Morin, Jean Auguste - St. Evariste - 1929
Morin, Philias Rosaire - Notre Dame du Rosaire - 1934
Morissette, Napoleon - St. Henri - 1933
Morissette, Paul - St. Henri - 1940
Morrison, M. R - Scotstown - 1933
Morrison, Roderick C - Cowansville - 1929
Murdock, Clinton - Brownsburg - 1940
Nadeau, Alexandre - Thetford Mines - 1940
Nadeau, Ernest - Victoriaville - 1935
Nadeau, J. A - St. Evariste Station - 1940
Napp, Rudolph - Lakefield - 1940
Newton, S. G - Sherbrooke - 1924
Nichols, Percy - Stanbridge East - 1940
Normandin, Wilson - St. Tite - 1929
Norton, Lawrence - Knowlton - 1930
O'Regan, J. M - Sutton - 933
Ostiguay, E - Adamsville - 1940
Ostiguay, Zephirin - Lac Saguay - 1929
Page, Alfred - Robertsonville - 1932
Papp, George - Richmond - 1940
Pare, Romeo - Brigham - 1940
Paris, Mme. Ulderick - Deschaillons - 1940
Pariseau, Hyp- St. Sabine - 1940
Parker, Clayton - Sawyerville - 1940
Partik, C. R - Lantier - 1924
Patry, L. A - Victoriaville - 1933
Patterson, J. K - Knowlton - 1930
Patterson, Rufus H - Ste. Anastasie - 1933
Pedersen, Capt. C. T - Barnston - 1929
Pelchat, Odule - St. Bernard - 1940
Pelletier, C. A - Roberval - 1940
Pelletier, Joseph - St. Modeste - 1940
Pelletier, Philippe - Roberval - 1940
Perrier, Nicolas - Point Comfort - 1940
Petit, Israel & Emile - St. Marc des Carrieres - 1926
Pibus, Brothers - Knowlton - 1940
Pibus, Donald G - Knowlton - 1932
Picotte, H - Highwater - 1940
Poitras, Isadore - Gifford - 1932
Poitras, Joseph - Gifford - 1940
Portelance, J. A - Lachevrotiere - 1928
Poulin, Louis - Beauceville - 1932
Pride of Quebec Minkery - St. Cessaire - 1940
Proulx, Fortunat - St. Alban - 1929
Proulx, Victor - St. Adelphe - 1929
Rae, David - Montreal - 1940
Ralph, F. H - Kirk's Ferry -1937
Realiffe, H - Bedford - 1940
Remillard, William - St. Ferdinand - 1940
Rheaume, Arsene - N. D. des Laurentides - 1940
Rheaume, Raoul - St. Come - 1940
Rhicard, C. E - Brome - 1929
Rioux, Philias - St. Fabien - 1932
Rivard, Camille - Ste. Therese - 1940
Robert, Donat - St. Ambroise - 1940
Robertson, Thommy & Meridy - Pointe Bleue - 1929
Rodrigue, Albert - St. Georges - 1932
Ross, G. Mack - Sherbrooke - 1940
Ross, James W - Rawdon - 1940
Ross, Murray - Lake Edward - 1935
Ross, Thomas - Blanche - 1940
Rouillier, Anselme - Plessisville - 1933
Rouillier, Joseph - Victoriaville - 1940
Rouillier, Simeon - Plessisville - 1940
Rourke, Austin - Calumet - 1932
Rousseau, J. H - Nicolet - 1929
Roy, Paul Emile - Tring Jonction - 1940
Roy, Raymond - Pike River - 1940
Roy, Roland - Ste. Justine - 1940
RR. PP. Trappistes - Village des Peres - 1940
Safford, Frank - Sutton - 1930
St. Andrews Fur Farm - St. Andrews East - 1939
St. Hilaire, Omer - Robertsonville - 1933
Sevigny, Wilfrid - Barnston - 1926
Schoch, A. N - Laterriere - 1928
Shedrick, Thomas - Clarenceville - 1940
Simard, Joseph E - Jonquiere - 1933
Simmons, G. H - Ayers Cliff - 1940
Sirard, Adhemar - St. Esprit - 1940
Skinner, Cecil G - Bishopton - 1932
Smith, Roland - Ste Helene - 1940
Snadden, John W. & Ira H - Danville - 1933
Somerville, H. A. D - Hemmingford - 1940
Spencer, Richard - Abercorn - 1927
Stark, Lawrence - Ste. Adele en Bas - 1940
Stewart, Harry B - Stanstead - 1913
Stewart, John A - Lac Megantic - 1932
Stocks, T. J - No address - 1914
Stowe, Clifton - Foster - 1940
Talbot, Aramis Albert - Robertsonville - 1925
Tanguay, Joseph - St. Cyprien - 1932
Tasse, D - Laval des Rapides - 1940
Taylor, Alfred - Knowlton - 1929
Theriault, D - Brownsburg - 1940
Thibault, Armand - St. Simon - 1940
Thibbits, Delbert - Fulford - 1940
Thibodeau, Rosaire - Portneuf Station - 1935
Thimineur, George H - Montreal - 1934
Thomas, C. Fred - Brigham - 1940
Thomas, J. L - Brigham - 1928
Thompson, H. E - Sherbrooke - 1932
Tibbits, Henry A - South Stukely - 1932
Tremblay, Alfred - Notre Dame de la Dore - 1940
Tremblay, Romeo - St. Ludger - 1932
Tremblay, Theophile - St. Urbain - 1929
Trudeau, Aime - Richmond - 1940
Turcotte, Thomas - Desbiens - 1940
Turmel, Joseph - Rumpelville - 1932
Tuzo, Nelson - Jonquiere - 1940
Vachon, Blais - Mansonville - 1929
Vaillancourt, R - Drummondville - 1940
Vaipy, E. L. M - Perce - 1940
Vici Foxes - Cookshire - 1929
Vielleux, Ernest - Ste. Justine - 1940
Vignola, Charles - St. Narcisse - 1940
Wienke, Dr. C. E - Temiscamingue -1932
Williamson, Rev. A. W - Point Fortune - 1932
Wright, W. H - Clarenceville - 1934
Wright, William Henry - Cowansville - 1914
Yale, Mlle. Ernestine - Mont Laurier - 1934
Aalto, Antero - Worthington - 1939
Adams, Wm. J - Cedarville - 1927
Addington, J - Mitchell - 1930
Adikan Farm - Atikokan -1931
Aikens, James - Torrance - 1939
Aitchison, Ewart B - Schomberg - 1939
Aldington, Joe - Mitchell - 1929
Allan, I. Clarence - Kingston - 1939
Allen, Merrison - Mount Forest - 1932
Allard, Pat - Powassan - 1939
Alpaugh, F. C - Dobbington - 1939
Alpaugh, P. G - Dobbington - 1928
Anderson, Alfred - Cochrane - 1939
Anderson, F. O - Kenora - 1929
Anderson, George E - Frankford - 1929
Anderson, John T - Shebandowan - 1929
Anderson, R. H - Tory Hill - 1932
Anderson, Walter - Mack - 1934
Anderson, W. J - London - 1939
Arkell, H. S - Britannia Heights - 1927
Armstrong, E. A. & J. W - Kinmount - 1932
Armstrong, M. V - Orangeville - 1926
Arnold Bros., H. B. Arnold - West Port - 1927
Arnold, Edwin - Courtwright - 1939
Arnold F - Corunna - 1927
Arnold, Frank - Mooretown - 1929
Arnold, K - Spanish - 1935
Arrell, Clare B - St. Marys -1939
Ashley, Wm. & Orvil - Orient Bay - 1935
Ashwell. C. O - Weston - 1929
Aultman, Stephen - Powassan - 1939
Avery, Richard - Perth - 1932
Avey, Mrs. Edith - Lombardy - 1933
Avey, Richard - Lombardy - 1939
Awrey, Olive M - Hillsburgh - 1926
Axelson, T. A - Port Arthur - 1939
Bailey, T. E - Fenwick - 1933
Bainard, E. S - London - 1939
Baker, Clair - Aultsville - 1939
Ball, W. S - Lambeth - 1939
Balsdon, M. A - Consecon - 1939
Bamford, Mrs. W. F - Norembega - 1939
Bank, Isaac J - Hagersville - 1939
Bannerman, George - Teeswater - 1939
Bantam, George - Kirkfield - 1929
Barber, Wilfred G - Sault Ste. Marie - 1932
Barclay, Harold - Tara - 1935
Barefoot, Emerson - Tara - 1939
Barker, Percy R - Toronto - 1939
Barry, A. J - Bolton - 1939
Barry, Francis W - Dunnville - 1939
Barry, Fred Jr. - Pickerel - 1939
Bartlett, H. R - New Liskeard - 1939
Bartman, Garnet - Tara - 1939
Bass, Eugene - Domville - 1939
Batchelor, Robert R - Proton Station - 1939
Batkin, Lloyd - Clinton - 1935
Batterton, L - Orangeville - 1939
Baumhaver, Cornelius N - Bancroft - 1932
Beck, William - Red Lake - 1939
Beckett, L - Woodham - 1928
Beckler, Herman - Elmwood - 1939
Beckman, Mrs. Edith - Rainy River - 1932
Beech, Thomas C - La Salle - 1932
Beeman, Brig. Gen. W. G - Portsmouth - 1939
Beggs, R. H - Heron Bay - 1926
Bell, Gordon - Owen Sound - 1939
Bell, J. C - Atwood - 1939
Bennett, C. L - Mull - 1932
Bennett, Wilfred - Trenton - 1939
Benson, Julius - Long Lac - 1929
Berger, C. E - New Hamburg - 1927
Berger, Elizabeth - Namakon Lake - 1939
Bergin Lake Farm - Moulinette - 1931
Bergman, William A - Fort Francis - 1939
Bettridge, E. V - St. Marys - 1939
Birch, Miss Kathleen - Huntsville - 1939
Birch & McLeod - Owen Sound - 1928
Birnie, J. D. Jr- Barrie - 1939
Bisbee, C. A - Moulinette - 1927
Bisbee, Stanton C - Moulinette - 1935
Black, H - Woodham - 1928
Black, H. J. Elmer - Providence Bay - 1939
Black Pine Farm - Fergus - 1929
Blackwell, D. R - Copleston - 1939
Blades, John - Embro - 1927
Blaikie, Gordon D - Flint - 1939
Blake, Arnold - Ailsa Craig - 1939
Blake Bros., James J. Blake - Simcoe - 1929
Blakely, Orvin - Seagrave - 1934
Bland, Bernard - Severn Post - 1934
Blochin, Capt. Dimitri - Norval - 1929
Bloomfeldt, Charles - Nolalu - 1926
Bloomfield, Stanley - Scotland - 1933
Bohler, Martin - Midland - 1932
Boicey, Nelson - Arnprior - 1939
Bolduc, Wallace - Port Arthur - 1929
Bollert, C. R - Simcoe - 1928
Bolton, F. D - Winchester Springs - 1935
Booth, Thomas Herbert - Ottawa - 1934
Boothby, R. A - Kitchener - 1939
Bond, Oliver - Mindemoya - 1939
Bcrden & Sons, P. J - Haliburton - 1929
Borrowman, E. J - Wyoming - 1928
Borrowman, George L - Wyoming - 1929
Bothwell, Harry E - St. Marys - 1939
Bottomley, C - Oshawa - 1939
Boulter, Miss Mary Olive - St. Catharines - 1934
Boulton, James H - Fort William - 1939
Bourne & Williams, Chas. L. Bourne - Markstay - 1935
Bouska, Mrs. Richard - Kenora - 1939
Bowen, Carl - Port Hope - 1939
Bowes, R. J. & R. W - South Porcupine - 1932
Bowlier, Robert J - Port Arthur - 1929
Bowman, C. L - Sleeman - 1932
Box, Ambrose H - Calabogie - 1932
Boyce, J - Weston - 1934
Brady, James C - Ottawa - 1932
Brain, Norman L - Petrolia - 1935
Braithwaite, William - Blenheim - 1927
Brandt, Wilfred - Burk's Falls - 1939
Brant, Bert C - Stittsville - 1939
Brannen, W. R - McTier - 1939
Brauns, Richard - Hearst - 1934
Braybook, Frank L - Petrolia - 1939
Brear, Walter & Mary - Maple Island - 1932
Brechin, Kenneth A - Bruce Mines - 1939
Breckow, W. Charles - Goderich - 1939
Brennan, John A Angus - 1939
Brenner, Walter - Atwood - 1939
Bresee, H. A - Westport - 1939
Brigham, Ernest C - Hanover - 1939
Brighton Farm - Brighton - 1939
Brirnacombe, Wilbert - Port Perry - 1939
Brine, Clarence - St. Marys - 1939
Britton, M. A - Port Arthur - 1929
Brockelbank, Orval - Gore Bay - 1939
Brodie, John Jr - Port Albert - 1939
Brohm, Owen - Norland - 1939
Broome, Herbert - Kakabeka Falls - 1939
Brown, A. L - Unionville - 1939
Brown, Clifton - St. Marys - 1939
Brown, C. W - Martin's Siding - 1939
Brown, Elmer - St. Catharines - 1932
Brown, E. J - Wilberforce - 1933
Brown, Mrs. G. B - Kingston - 1939
Brown, Hal C - Scarborough - 1939
Brown, J. E - Gormley - 1932
Brown, Thomas G - Coldwater - 1939
Brownley, Ross - Angus - 1939
Brule, J. Arsene - Hearst - 1939
Brunsdon. Bert - Londesborough - 1939
Brusven, Nicholas - Morson - 1939
Bryan, James - Lloydtown - 1939
Buder, Wesley - Madawaska - 1939
Bunting. Joe Jr - McTier - 1939
Burchall. Walter & George - llderton - 1939
Burchiel, Whitney - Blenheim - 1939
Burger, Raymond A - Ridgeway - 1939
Burke, Clarence - Oro Station - 1939
Burke, George - Hamilton - 1930
Burke, John - Sault Ste. Marie - 1939
Burkholder Farm - Billings Bridge - 1928
Burrows, F. G - Jackson's Point - 1939
Burt, J. H - Mindemoya - 1937
Burton, John P - Oakville - 1934
Burton, R. W - Oakville - 1939
Busch, Roy - Southampton - 1935
Bussineau, Wilbur - Dunn's Valley - 1932
Butler, Duncan - Strathroy - 1939
Byer, J. L - Stouffville - 1934
Byer, N. W - Stouffville - 1939
Byers, Osbert L - Toronto - 1929
Byndyne, William - Toronto - 1939
Byshe, Arthur G - Ottawa - 1939
Cairns, R. M - Ottawa - 1932
Caldwell, A. E - Alliston - 1939
Caldwell, John H - Shanty Bay - 1939
Calma, Harold - Preston - 1933
Cameron, D. J - Providence Bay - 1939
Cameron, E. A - Fort William - 1924
Campbell, Estate of M. J - Sault Ste. Marie - 1932
Campbell, F. H - Clyde Forks - 1932
Campbell, J - Mobert - 1932
Campbell, William - Cornwall - 1929
Canadian Northern Farm - Port Arthur - 1930
Carlson, John - Lowther - 1939
Carter, R. B - Manilla - 1939
Case, George - Kashabowie - 1927
Chadwick, Maurice - Holland Landing - 1939
Chapman, Walter - Fort William - 1926
Chapple, Henry S. & Audrey - Grafton - 1932
Charlton, H. N - Maberly - 1934
Chester, L. R - Guelph - 1939
Chesterfield, Norman P - St. Marys - 1939
Chew, Douglas - Midland - 1939
Chipchase, A - Willowdale - 1939
Chippewa Farm - Canfield - 1931
Chipps, Allan E - Delhi - 1939
Christenson, Charles J - Huntsville - 1929
Christiansen, E. W - Hydro - 1929
Christie, Murray - Cromartie - 1939
Christner, D - Kitchener - 1939
Clair, George - Waterloo- 1939
Clancy, V - Ostersund - 1932
Clarin, Mrs. Betty - Nakina - 1932
Clark, Blondin - Bloomfield - 1932
Clark, George - Brantford - 1932
Clark, Joseph A - Ridgeway - 1939
Clark, Noble - Paris - 1939
Clark, Thomas - Sarnia - 1932
Climenhaga, E - Stevensonville - 1939
Cline, Elmer - Kingsville - 1936
Clinton, Norman D - Wellington - 1934
Clubine, William H - Toronto - 1932
Clugston, Calvin - Meaford - 1939
Cochrane, Gib - Timagami - 1939
Code, Thomas J - Atikokan - 1929
Codlin, Thomas - Chatham - 1930
Coenegrachts, Capt. G - Cooksville - 1932
Colby, Howard - Uxbridge - 1939
Cole, Clarence M - Lakeside - 1932
Cole, Eugene - Clinton - 1939
Collier Bros - Woodrous - 1929
Combs, James B - White Lake - 1939
Conger, Allanson Powell - Richmond Hill - 1870
Cook, Lloyd - Belgrave - 1939
Cook, S. B - Port Rowan - 1926
Cooper, Ernest W - Sault Ste. Marie - 1939
Cope, B. L - Cooksville - 1939
Corfield, Ralph T. C - Crookston - 1933
Cote & Sons, A. E - Nakina - 1929
Cottom, George A - Rainy River - 1932
Cottrell, William E - Sundridge - 1932
Coventry, H. J - Big Lake - 1934
Cragg, F. M - North Bay - 1934
Craig, Robert - Chatsworth - 1939
Crawford, J. E - Fort William - 1933
Crawford, S. L - Summerstown - 1939
Creeden, Victor K - Paris - 1928
Crescent Park Farm - Petrolia - 1930
Criss, George E - Honey Harbour - 1939
Crocker, Arnold & William - White River - 1926
Crombie, Wm Port Arhtur - 1929
Cronk, Lawson B - Parham - 1932
Cross, Ernest James - Port Arthur - 1914
Cross, Joseph - Eagle River - 1926
Cross, Jos. & J. A - Eagle River - 1926
Crow, F. H - Toronto - 1939
Cryderman, L. S - Long Branch - 1939
Cryderman, Melvin - Toronto - 1939
Cudmore, Gordon A - Clinton - 1939
Cumming, R. E - Gore Bay - 1939
Cummings, J. A - Ravenshoe - 1939
Cunningham, A - Kaministiquia - 1939
Cuppy, J. Thurlow - Timagami - 1939
Currell, William J - Weston - 1939
Curry, Franklin T - Markdale - 1939
Curry, Laughlin S - Forester's Falls - 1939
Curry, Ronald J - Haliburton - 1928
Curry & Son, W. R - Haliburton - 1930
Cyr, Camille - Hawkesbury - 1933
Daechrel, Fred A - Ottawa - 1929
Daglish, Robert S - Hagersville - 1932
Dahl & Helm - Rainy River - 1932
Dahl, Julius - Rainy River - 1939
Daly, Stanley J - Smith Falls - 1939
Dark Moon Farm - Ottawa - 1929
Davidson, E. L - MacLennan - 1939
Davidson, H. G - Preston - 1927
Davie Bros., Arthur & Thomas - Harriston - 1935
Davie, John - Eagle River - 1913
Davies & Swaim - McIntosh - 1913
Dawes & Edwards - Port Arthur - 1928
Dawn Farm - Dresden - 1928
Dawson, H. C - Billings Bridge - 1933
Dawson, Orrin - Varna - 1939
Dean, Roy - Owen Sound - 1939
DeClute, Arthur W - Willowdale - 1939
DeHass, L - Desboro - 1939
Demerling, Lorne - Hamilton - 1939
Dennis, John - Port Arthur - 1929
Dennison, Fred - Thamesford - 1939
Depew, John J - Bradford - 1932
Deuey, Frank - Gooderham - 1932
Dick, Barclay - Douglas - 1932
Dickinson, Edward - Washago - 1926
Dickson & Son, Andrew - Port Arthur - 1932
Dickson & Passmore, Fred Dickson - Woodstock - 1932
Diebel, Norman H - Mildmay - 1939
Dinsmore, F. G - Toronto - 1932
Dion, A. H - Weston - 1939
Dodds, Clarence W - Acton - 1939
Dodds, R- Guelph - 1926
Doey, Walter - Cedar Springs - 1932
Douglas, William - Corunna - 1932
Doupe, William - Kirkton - 1929
Dovell, W. J - Gooderham - 1927
Downham, John - Strathroy - 1914
Dulmage, Stewart - Owen Sound - 1939
Duncan, K. W - Harriston - 1935
Duncan, Murray - Shanty Bay - 1939
Dunn, M. B. & O. W - Ottawa - 1928
Dunn, Robert Jr - Kynoch - 1927
Dunseith, Clarence E - St. Marys - 1939
Dupuis, J. B - Smooth Rock Falls - 1934
Duval, A. R - Wingham - 1936
Eady, Clarence - Kakabeka Falls - 1932
Eagles, Frank C - Proton Station - 1939
Earnshaw, James Oliver - Port Arthur - 1926
Eastcott, William F - Dresden - 1929
Edwards, J. S - Hawkstone - 1939
Edwards, Leroy M - Moorefield - 1932
Edwards & MacLean, Jos. C. Edwards - Pembroke - 1934
Edwards, William - Priceville - 1932
Edwards, W. T - Cobden - 1939
Elgie, Ralph - Echo Bay - 1939
Elm Creek Farm - Petersburg - 1930
El Rancho Farm - Port Credit - 1937
Elsie, J - Detlor - 1939
Elsie, William - Grand Bend - 1932
Elson, M. J - Oro Station - 1934
Elliott, Gordon S - Brucefield - 1939
Ellis, Howard - Owen Sound - 1929
Ellis, Ivor - Toronto - 1939
Ellison, Ralph - Sebringville - 1939
Ernes, Charles J. J - Barnsdale - 1939
England, F. O - Mobert - 1927
English, E. H - Wyebridge - 1935
Enrico, Emile - Stoneleigh - 1929
Erickson, Clarence - Gold Pines - 1939
Esplen, J. H - Owen Sound - 1939
Etherington & Ryan - Ignace - 1929
Euler, Wolfgang - Waldhof - 1929
Evans, Arthur H - Port Arthur - 1928
Faber, Roches - Hensall - 1939
Fader, A. E - Fort William - 1939
Farmer, Alvin S - Gormley - 1939
Farquaharson, J. W - Port Arthur - 1932
Ferguson, C. M - Langstaff - 1933
Ferguson, H. E - Meaford - 1939
Ferguson, Ira E - Perth - 1939
Ferguson, W. J - Cobalt - 1935
Fick, William Burton - Langton - 1926
Fildey, George A - Thornton - 1939
Finch, Roy D - St. Marys - 1933
Fisk, James - Greenock - 1939
Fitzpatrick, Stephen - Hamilton - 1939
Flagg, Isaac - Perry Station - 1934
Fleming, C. A - Owen Sound - 1935
Fleming, David - Bervie - 1939
Fleming, George W - Wilberforce - 1933
Fleugel, Rudolph - Eganville - 1932
Floyd, John D - Chesley - 1939
Folkins, O. T. & D. B - Cochrane - 1932
Foote, A. R - Rosseau - 1929
Foote, William - Toronto - 1939
Ford, A. T - Wingham - 1939
Fortuna Farm - Waldhof - 1928
Foster, Charles H - Fergus - 1927
Foster, Percy T - Alliston - 1939
Foster, William J - Detlor - 1939
Fountain, Mrs. Ada - Coboconk - 1939
Fowler, Daniel - Hespeler - 1929
Fowler, F. J - Woodstock - 1939
Fralick, Edmund M - Wellandport - 1929
Fralick, Bert J - Barrie - 1939
Fralick, Moir E - Wellandport -1929
Fralick, Raymond - Port Perry - 1939
Franche, Arthur - Mabella - 1926
Francis, Ross - Kirkton - 1939
Franklin, James A - Dunnville - 1932
Franklin, 011ie - Dunnville - 1924
Franz, Hellmuth - Eagle River - 1932
Fraser, J. A - Gore's Landing - 1928
Fraser, R. H - Spring Bay - 1939
Fraser, Thomas D - Foleyet - 1928
Fraser & Weese, Allan K. Fraser - Wallaceburg - 1929
Freeman, Dr. Norman Victor - Battersea - 1928
Frisby, H. R - Katrine Station - 1926
Frock, Elmer - Chesley - 1939
Fullerton, Alvin G - Windermere - 1939
Funk, Wilfred L. & John D - Dunnville - 1929
Furina, A - Sturgeon Falls - 1932
Furniss, Albert - Toronto - 1939
Gaebel, William A - Bancroft - 1929
Gallaway, Oliver - Gorrie - 1939
Gamble, C. E - Port Dover - 1929
Gamble, Mrs. Muriel - Manotick Station - 1939
Gardner, Russell - Gilford - 1939
Garland, W. F - Ottawa - 1929
Gasse, Merne - Greeneville - 1929
Gateman, Milton - Elmwood - 1939
Gauthier, R. J - Verner - 1935
Gibb, George J - Blenheim - 1929
Gibb, Robert & Gordon - Corunna - 1932
Gibb, R. M - Corunna - 1927
Gibson, Glenn A - Burketon - 1939
Gilbert, Ashley - Bayfield - 1939
Gilbert, Fred - Bayfield - 1935
Gilchrist, O. H - Ottawa - 1929
Gildner, C. F - Wiarton - 1939
Gilliam, A. C - Bronte - 1935
Gillies, G. W. & B. J - Arnprior - 1926
Gillies, Mabel K - Arnprior - 1927
Gillies & Paris, T. M. Paris - Westboro - 1928
Gimby, Dr. W. E - Sault Ste. Marie - 1939
Givens, Charles - Udney - 1933
Gleeson, William - Jarvis River - 1939
Goddard, Frank - Timagami - 1939
Godfrey, Howard - Cannington - 1939
Gogo, George N - Cornwall - 1939
Gohm, Henry - Bracebridge - 1933
Goit Bros., Stanley Goit - Caistor Centre - 1929
Goodfellow, Dr. George F - Parham - 1934
Gordon, D. G - Keewatin - 1929
Gordon, N. M - Pickering - 1939
Gossling, J. W - Barrie - 1927
Graf, Jacob - Chepstow - 1939
Graham Bros - Strathroy - 1916
Graham, Grant - Dunnville - 1939
Graham, Roy - Cookstown - 1939
Graham, Roy E- Clarksburg - 1939
Graham, Walter J - Meaford - 1939
Graham, W. R - Markdale - 1939
Grant, C. B - Tara - 1939
Gratz, Michael - Fort William - 1939
Gray, Angus W - Britton - 1939
Green, Clarence - Teeswater - 1939
Greenlees, Donald B - Mount Chesney - 1932
Greenwood, Thos - Grand Valley - 1939
Gregory, A. D - Fort William - 1928
Gregory, B - Lakeside - 1939
Greif, Otto C - Pembroke - 1939
Grew, Frank - Toronto - 1936
Groves, Albert - West Osgoode Junction - 1939
Guest, E. B - Guthrie - 1933
Guilian, Mde - Foloyet - 1927
Hackney, David S - Brigden - 1933
Haines, William F - Greensville - 1939
Hakanson, H Nakina - 1932
Hakenson & Pearson, A. Hakenson - Kenora - 1929
Hall, Mrs. W. C - Strathroy - 1932
Hall, W. M - Aylmer - 1932
Halle, Wilfred - Blind River - 1939
Hallman, W. F - Ailsa Craig - 1939
Hamill, Glen - Markham - 1939
Hamilton, Alex - Bracebridge - 1939
Hamilton, Clarence E - Hilton Beach - 1934
Hamilton, Dr. Clarence W - Stratford - 1939
Hamilton, David - Bracebridge - 1934
Hamilton, Gordon G - Keswick - 1939
Hamilton, W. H - Glasgow Station - 1932
Hammond, Ira - Lucan - 1939
Hammond, Jack Lester - Forester's Falls - 1939
Hanford, R. J. C - Brighton - 1939
Hansen, C. H - Pearl - 1939
Harkness, Fred - Kingston - 1939
Harman, James - Heaslip - 1932
Harris, H - Port Arthur - 1928
Harris, H. C - Alliston - 1934
Harris, P. B - Gore's Landing -1928
Harris, Russell S - St. Marys - 1934
Harris, W. C - King - 1939
Harrison, Gregory - Harriston - 1939
Hart, George - Aurora - 1929
Hartford, Frederic B - Rondeau - 1932
Hartley, Albert M - Spring Bay - 1939
Hartley, H. A - Battersea - 1929
Hartley, Harry M - Galt - 1934
Harvey, Nathaniel - Burlington - 1932
Hass & Son, William - Rainy River - 1939
Hastie, Andrew C - Durham - 1939
Hatheway, S. B - Cobourg - 1927
Hatt, Leslie - Mar - 1939
Havencroft, Walter - Barrie - 1939
Haynes, E. K - Hornepayne - 1926
Hazelwood, Oliver - St. Marys - 1939
Hazlett & Shaw. T. B. Hazlett - Tupperville - 1929
Head, Wilfred - London - 1928
Heayn, Robert Gordon - London - 1939
Heckendorn, Ian - Burford - 1939
Heels, Eric H - Victoria Harbour - 1939
Heels & Son, Joseph J - Victoria Harbour - 1935
Hegadorn, Gerald - Kingston - 1939
Heikkinen, John - Graham - 1929
Helm, J. E - Rainy River - 1932
Helsten, E. H - Vermilion Bay - 1926
Hemstock, Wesley - Dobbington - 1939
Hemstock, Worlend G - Dobbington - 1939
Henders, Dr. C. W - Toronto - 1939
Hendry, W. J - Carleton Place - 1939
Herbert Farm - Weston - 1931
Herbst, D. W - Fort William - 1934
Hetherington, John C - Chesley - 1932
Hetherington, Robert - Minaki - 1932
Higbee, E. C - Timagami - 1939
Hignett, Mrs. Beatrice - Palermo - 1935
Hill, Charles E - Kakabeka Falls - 1939
Hill, Eion - Port Arthur - 1939
Hill, Ira D - Midland - 1939
Hilliard, Charles J. & Bert - Waterloo - 1937
Hilts, Hugh - Whitevale - 1939
Hines, Clifford - Dobbington -1939
Hisko, Jerome - Renfrew - 1939
Hodgson, Nelson - Denfield - 1932
Hoff, J. S. Morris - Arnprior - 1926
Hoffman, Alfred J - Fort Erie - 1932
Holland, Alfred V - London - 1939
Holliday, T. J - Burnt River - 1939
Holmes, Violet & Otto - Kenabeck - 1939
Holmstrom, Eric & John - Kenora - 1929
Holt, Charles - Strathroy - 1939
Holtby, W. W - Port Perry - 1939
Homer Farm - St. Catharines - 1935
Hopkin, James - Tehkummah - 1939
Hopkins, Clara M - Thessalon - 1928
Hopkins, S. V - Burlington - 1939
Hore, Ernest - Honora - 1939
Horester, Charles - Timmins - 1939
Horie, J. C - Island Falls - 1937
Horwat, P - Minaki - 1928
Hough, Norman T - Windermere - 1939
Houghton, E. R - Kettleby - 1939
Hounsell, William - Miners' Bay - 1939
Howard, George - Malachi - 1929
Howard, Robert - Lucknow - 1938
Howe, Grant - Massey - 1928
Howe, Mrs. Viola G - Kirkton - 1939
Huber, W. N - Hanover - 1932
Huffman, M - Blenheim - 1930
Hughes, Leslie - Plantagenet - 1939
Hughes, Victor E- Kingston Mills - 1939
Hughson, Raymond - Manitowaning - 1939
Humber Bay Farm - Toronto - 1938
Hunt, W. E - Fort William - 1932
Hunter, L. M - Gormley - 1939
Hunter, Norman M - Emo - 1933
Huotari, Edwards - Intola - 1939
Huss, M - Meaford - 1926
Hutchinson, Mrs. E - Pagwa - 1926
Hutchinson, E. W - Kimberley - 1929
Hutt, Gordon R - Sault Ste. Marie - 1932
Huusko, Andy - Quibell - 1932
Ibberson, E - Ottawa - 1939
Imrie, J. G - Colborne - 1933
Inkster, Edgar - Dean Lake - 1939
Irvine, Dr. D. A - Vankleek Hill - 1929
Irvine, J. C - Arnprior - 1926
Irvine, Stewart - Dobbington - 1935
Irwin Bros - London - 1927
Irwin, G. Norman - Whitby - 1932
Irwin, J. L - Bluevale - 1928
Iwasenko, John - James - 1934
Izzard, Edwin C - Woodstock - 1939
Jacklin, W. J - Perth - 1933
Jackson, David - Sarnia - 1939
Jackson, L. E - Vienna - 1932
Jacobi, William F - St. Marys - 1928
Jahn, Alfred - Cormac - 1939
James, Reubin - Kirkland Lake - 1939
Jamieson, Archie - Woodstock - 1926
Jamieson, Harry - Ida - 1939
Jamieson, R. L - Almonte - 1939
Jarvis, Charles - Toronto - 1939
Jarvis, J. H - Elmira - 1939
Jeffrey, William - Cheddar - 1933
Jeffries, Alton - Kensington Heights - 1928
Jenkinson, Norman - Fairbank - 1935
Jensen, Ingvald - Rainy River - 1939
Jerick, R. E - Markdale - 1939
Jessup, Walter H - Powassan - 1939
Jinkerson, Walter - Wallaceburg - 1939
Johnson, Alfred Isaac - Gore Bay - 1939
Johnson, Edwin J - Brigden - 1933
Johnson, George E - Goderich - 1939
Johnston, Miss I. M - Nakina - 1927
Johnston, Axel H - Kelly - 1939
Johnston, C. G - Devlin - 1939
Johnston, F. M - Hamilton - 1932
Johnston, W. A - Pagwa - 1926
Johnston, W. H - Weston - 1939
Jones, L. A - St. Thomas - 1938
Jones, Lewis - Talbotville -1935
Jones, P. J - Savant Lake - 1932
Jones & Waters, J. W. Jones - Milton West - 1932
Jopling & Hunter, W. B. Jopling - Peterborough - 1928
Juergens, Arthur - Mildmay - 1934
Junghans, Franz - Prairie River - 1939
Kalar, W. H - Dresden - 1927
Kane, Donald - Gananoque - 1929
Karn, Henry - Embro - 1924
Karn, Douglas - Embro - 1926
Kasdorf, R. F - Eganville - 1935
Kaufman, Walter - Dobbington - 1939
Kay, Alfred - Port Sydney - 1939
Kay, Howard B - Sunderland - 1939
Kay, William J - Guelph - 1939
Kay, William O. & Jane F - Churchill - 1939
Kellberg, Hans - Waldhof - 1927
Kellberg, Otto - Waldhof - 1932
Kelly, Miss M. C - Eagle River - 1939
Kemp, William Jr- Sundridge - 1928
Kennedy, Mrs. Jessie - Stratford - 1928
Kennedy, Harry Edwin - Fort Erie - 1939
Kennedy, O. M - Stratford - 1929
Kennedy, William J - Kincardine - 1939
Kenner, R. J - Woodington - 1929
Kenney, Hilliard C - Winchester - 1939
Kenny, John H - Seeley's Bay - 1934
Kent, R. B - Simcoe - 1932
Kerr, Ernest - Cedarville - 1928
Kerslake, Earl - St. Marys - 1935
Kervyn, J - Crookston - 1928
Ketonen, Emil - Fort William - 1932
Kieri, Thomas - South Gillies - 1939
King, Godfrey - Chatham - 1932
King, John L - Baysville - 1939
King, Manuel - Owen Sound - 1939
King, Samuel A - Toronto - 1929
Kirk, H. C - Weston - 1939
Kirkland, Ernie - Hepworth - 1939
Kirkpatrick, Earl G - Rothsay - 1932
Kitchen, R. M - Hydro - 1935
Kittmer, T - Embro - 1939
Kivari, Mike - Finland - 1929
Klages, K. A - Desboro - 1935
Klages, William & Norman - Marmion - 1924
Klages, William Jr - Chesley - 1936
Klawitter, A- Mindoka - 1939
Klemmer, Lloyd - Hanover - 1932
Knight, S - Kingston - 1933
Knox, Frank A - Frankford - 1934
Kodrian, Alex - Redditt - 1927
Koehler, Charles - Tara - 1939
Kolb, Arthur - Port Elgin - 1929
Koko, Uno - Vermilion Bay - 1939
Kotanen, E - Nolalu - 1927
Kothonen, Julius E - Fort William - 1939
Kreissman, Mrs. A - Latchford - 1935
Krentzkamp, Harvey E - Chesley - 1939
Kress, Harold - Harriston - 1939
Kumm, Frank - Eganville - 1932
Kumm, Fred - Eganville - 1932
Kusznier, Pete - Port Arthur - 1939
La Beree, E. E - Overbrook - 1932
Lacombe, Hyacinthe - Dalhousie Station - 1932
Ladigen, Stephen - Port Arthur - 1928
Laflamme, J. T - Gogama - 1926
La France, C. L - Overbrook - 1935
Laidlaw, Robert E - Wingham - 1939
Laird, Thomas B - Hornepayne - 1928
Lake & Son, C. D - Battersea - 1929
Lake, William - Battersea - 1939
Laliberte, Edgar - Raith - 1914
Lamb, Alex - Schrieber - 1932
Lammi, Werner - Worthington - 1939
Lamond, Duncan C - London - 1939
Landon, M. Howard - Soperton - 1933
Lane & Son, William - Newmarket - 1935
Lang, John H - Desboro - 1935
Langford, Miss Betty - Westboro - 1935
Lantz, J - Ingolf - 1939
Larocque, P. Sr - Silvercentre - 1932
Larocque, Raoul - Chute a Blondeau - 1939
Laschinger, E. J. & I. C - New Hamburg - 1926
Lashley, J. C - Lanark - 1939
Later, W - Searchmont - 1939
Lauzon, Sam - Alexandria - 1935
Lavallee, R. G - Glasgow Station - 1927
Lavern, August T - Braeside - 1927
Law, Carl D. & W. A - Mossley - 1932
Lawlor, D. J - Sault Ste. Marie - 1929
Leadbeater, Arthur - Swansea Village - 1932
Leadbeater, Omar - Lyndhurst - 1939
Leathorn, F. J - Port Arthur - 1929
Leavesler, Roy - Delaware - 1939
Le Blanc, P. J - Schrieber - 1929
Lebold, Ogris - Tavistock - 1939
Lechkoon, Mrs. H - Umfreville - 1939
Ledergerber, George - Rich an - 1939
Lee, Earl - McKellar - 1939
Lefevre, Al - Tionaga - 1927
Lefevre, John E - Tionaga - 1939
Lefort, B. R - Hull - 1939
Legault, Lawrence - Chute a Blondeau - 1939
Lepard, A. C - Newmarket - 1933
Leslie, Oliver - Campbellville - 1939
Lester, William - Tillsonburg - 1939
Lewis, Fred - Waterdown - 1939
Lewis, James M - Holland Landing - 1939
Lewis, Stanley G - Stouffville - 1939
Lidstone, J. A. & O. Eileen - Blind River - 1935
Liima, Jack - Kinghorn - 1939
Likins, John E - Woodstock - 1939
Lindberg, J. Y - Hydro - 1937
Lindsay, Frank A - Fort Francis - 1933
Lindsay, John - Motherwell - 1939
Lindsay, Wilfred - Pakenham - 1939
Lindstrom, C - Kenora - 1928
Lingard, Charles - Gold Pines - 1939
Linklater, George - Timagami - 1939
Lisk, Luey - Clavering - 1939
Lister, John - Schomberg - 1939
Little, Douglas B - Agincourt - 1932
Livingston, Alfred - Gameland - 1939
Llewellen, Harry - Woodstock - 1932
Lobban, John - Thessalon - 1927
Lobban, R. Clyde - Owen Sound - 1939
Lockewood, G. W - Owen Sound- 1939
Lockhart, J. W - Stratton - 1934
Locking, Russel - Emo - 1939
Logan, David - Scotland - 1914
Loney, Mrs. A - Midland - 1939
Long, Murray - Monetville - 1939
Long, Norman R - Waterford - 1933
Long, William Norman - Walter's Falls - 1932
Longe, Roger M - Kenora - 1932
Loveys, Albert - Burlington - 1939
Lowry, H. C - Toronto - 1939
Lucas, Sam - Wyoming - 1929
Lucas, William C - St. Marys - 1939
Ludlow, J. R - Alliston - 1939
Luery, Ward - Bonarlaw - 1939
Luillu, Ernest - Kinghorn - 1939
Lumley, Edward - New Toronto - 1939
Lund, Theo & Otto - Morson - 1929
Lunday, Charles A - Chesley - 1935
Lundihn. L. O - Toronto - 1939
Lynch, H. A - Loretto - 1932
Lynn, R. H - Westport - 1939
MacDonald, Aubrey - Sudbury - 1939
MacDonald, Rayden M - Flesherton - 1934
MacDougall, David S - Toronto - 1924
MacDuff, Albert - Gooderham - 1927
MacDuff, Fred - Gooderham - 1932
Maclntosh, Nelson - Williamsford - 1939
Maclntosh, Nelson - Keewatin - 1934
MacKenzie, Donald A - Lakeside - 1939
MacKenzie, J. D - Loon - 1931
MacKenzie, Robert N - Alliston - 1939
MacLeod, J. C - Owen Sound - 1928
MacLeod, Leith - MacTier - 1939
MacNab, Elgin C - Owen Sound - 1929
MacPherson, J. W - Kirkland Lake - 1939
MacPherson, Peter - Iona Station - 1939
MacVicar, A. J - Priceville - 1939
Mackey, Hugh A - Barrow Bay - 1929
Macklin, H - Milliken - 1939
Maguire, F. T. & R. W - Minesing - 1926
Maguire, James - Severn Bridge - 1928
Mahoney, W. E - Ottawa - 1939
Maier, Jack - Campbellford - 1939
Main, Mrs. Mary E - Sioux Lookout - 1933
Maki, Edward - Port Arthur - 1939
Malkin, R - Barrie - 1939
Mallory, Herbert L - Mallorytown - 1939
Malott, Delmar - Kingsville - 1939
Maluske, Edward - Dobbington - 1935
Mansfield, A. L. & C. P - Westboro - 1934
Mark, John - Seagrave - 1939
Mark, N - Lindsay - 1933
Marshall, James - Sioux Lookout - 1929
Marshall, Leslie W - Bala - 1933
Martin, G - Sturgeon Falls - 1932
Martin, I. K - Galt - 1932
Martin, J. Calvin - St. Marys -1926
Martin & Menzies - Milton West - 1932
Martin, Peter - Latchford - 1929
Martin, Sheldon C. D - Waterloo - 1939
Marvin, E - Wellington - 1939
Mason, A. M - Timmins - 1932
Mason, Charles F - Hawkesbury - 1939
Matheson, Leslie Munro - Owen Sound - 1932
Matthies, Milton - Tavistock - 1932
Mattice, H. H - Nanticoke - 1939
Mattison, Peter - Rainy River - 1939
Mawdsley, J. Alex - Forester's Falls - 1939
May, Albion George - Ravenscliff - 1929
McAllister, A. D - Dundalk - 1939
McAvay, F. D - Fort William - 1928
McCallum, F. A - Arnprmr - 1929
McCarthy, Jack - St. Marys - 1933
McCaulley, Ross - Kingsmill - 1939
McCloskey, William J - Toronto -1939
McColl Bros., Alexander McColl - Tory Hill - 1932
McConnell, George W - Milliken - 1936
McCormick, John F - Keewatin - 1932
McCracken, John - Keewatin - 1929
McCrae, Bruce - Durham - 1939
McCullough, Harvey - Allenford - 1935
McDonald, Duncan A - Alexandria - 1939
McDonald. H. E - Sandy Falls - 1926
McDougall, Malcolm R - Blenheim - 1931
McElwain, Emerson - Kirkland Lake - 1934
McEwen, Mel - Chatsworth - 1929
McFarlane, R. W - Paisley - 1939
McGeagh, F. M - Fort William - 1928
McGillivray, Borden - Argyle - 1939
McGolrick & Sons, Bert - Port Arthur - 1922
Mclntee, Florence M - Dunnville - 1939
McIntosh, Albert A - Proton Station - 1939
McIntosh, Bert - St. Marys -1932
McIntosh, Charles B - Listowel - 1939
McIntyre, D. A - Strathroy - 1932
McIntyre, H. D - Weston - 1929
McKeen, Harold - Hagersville - 1932
McKellar, Gordon - Parkhill - 1939
McKenna, F. A - Port Caldwell - 1927
McKenzie, Roy -Bancroft - 1934
McKeown, John - Bonarlaw - 1939
MacKay, H. W - Keewatin - 1936
McKinley, A. D - Mack - 1929
McKinnon, John A - Vankleek Hill - 1925
McLarin, Gordon - Fort William - 1932
McLaurin, Julius - Loon - 1932
McLean, R. G - Arnprior - 1928
McLean, Cameron - Priceville - 1939
McLean, Clarence - Harris Hill - 1939
McLellen, Hugh - Port Arthur - 1929
McLennan, William D - Port Arthur - 1929
McLeod, Norman - MacTier - 1939
McNaughton, John - Perth - 1934
McPherson, Robert N - Wellandport - 1939
McVean Bros., John McVean - Durham - 1926
Meadows, J. W - Stamford Centre - 1929
Menzies, David - Milton - 1932
Merkley, Chesley - Winchester Springs - 1935
Merner, Fred - Kitchener - 1939
Merrett, Percy E - Alliston - 1939
Merrylees, John H - Gore Bay - 1932
Mertin, Miss H. 0 - Lucan - 1939
Metzger, A. J - Hanover - 1933
Middaugh, Oliver - Big Lake - 1934
Middleton, Edward C - Tara - 1939
Miller, A. R - Eganville - 1939
Miller, Carl - Kakabeka Falls - 1939
Miller, James - Port Arthur - 1929
Miller, M - Monteith - 1928
Miller, Max. W - Eganville - 1939
Miller & Sons, Bert - Battersea - 1929
Miller & Son, J. E - Renfrew - 1934
Millman, William T - Owen Sound - 1929
Mills, Earl - Bracebridge -1939
Mills, Edward - Preston - 1939
Mills, W. T - Toronto - 1932
Mills-Wolf Ltd., Earl H. Mills - Peterborough - 1935
Miner Bros, W. E - Kingsville - 1932
Mitchell, F. C - Mack - 1929
Mitchell, Gordon - Kirkland Lake -1934
Mitchell, G. R - Englehart -1935
Mitchell, J. 0 - St. Marys - 1928
Model Farm, W. E. Hunt - Port Arthur - 1932
Moerschfelder, Bryce - Selkirk - 1935
Moir, Gilbert W - Arnprior - 1929
Mollard, C. E - Nestleton - 1939
Mollet, Arthur - Tara - 1939
Mollet, Maurice - Tara - 1932
Monahan, William E - Owen Sound - 1939
Montgomery, Albert - Hawkesbury - 1932
Montgomery, C. B - Hydro -1935
Montigny, E. W - Glasgow Station - 1939
Moodie, R. T - Gravenhurst -1926
Moore, David - Weston - 1939
Moore, Melville - Bancroft - 1928
Moore, Robert R - Spanish - 1939
Morgan, John S - Port Arthur - 1926
Morgan, Reid - Ripley - 1939
Morgan, W. A - Ailsa Craig - 1939
Morren, Harry F - Barrie - 1926
Morris, George L - Owen Sound - 1939
Morrish, T. A - Union - 1939
Morrison, Alex - Dunnville - 1926
Morrison, Homer - Mount Forest - 1933
Morrison, John M - Keewatin - 1927
Morrison, W. J - Durham - 1939
Morrow, Harvey - Tara - 1935
Mortenson, H - Mimico - 1939
Morton, George E - Windsor - 1939
Mosley, Myrrl E - Huntsville - 1928
Moss, Ralph - Moulinette - 1929
Moss, W. P - Sapawe - 1930
Motton, S. P - Toronto - 1939
Moulton, Fred - Turbine - 1939
Mousseau, Leonard - Cartier - 1939
Moxley, R. C - Westboro - 1939
Mulcahy, Charles - Arnprior - 1926
Mullin, Cleveland - Fergus - 1929
Mulvihill & Robertson - Willet - 1929
Mulvihill, T. C - Arnprior - 1927
Munch, A - Flanders -1939
Murdock, James - Fort William - 1939
Murphy, Elmo - Nanticoke - 1939
Murray, Clavin W - St. Marys - 1939
Mustard, Alex - Chatsworth - 1934
Mustard. James - Chatsworth - 1939
Myers, G. F - Caledon East - 1932
Myers, James Vincent - Westport - 1939
Myiow, Joseph J - Owen Sound - 1935
Nelson, Alfred - St. Marys - 1939
Nelson, W - Dyment - 1939
Nesbitt & Son, Dr. H. A - Lindsay - 1928
Newman, Fred - Waterford - 1933
Niblock, Raymond L - Lyndhurst - 1939
Nichol, Charles A. G - Port Sydney - 1929
Nicholls, Alvin - Argyle - 1934
Nichols, J. U - Ingersoll - 1939
Nicholson, Godfrey - Crediton - 1939
Nicholson, Jack - Holstein - 1939
Nicholson, J. W - Toronto - 1939
Nicol, James - Alliston - 1939
Nicoll, F. R - Osaquan - 1929
Nidd, James P - Ottawa - 1933
Niemi, Anton - Kashabowie - 1927
Noble, Charles Stewart - Sutton West - 1939
Noble, Harold R - Shallow Lake - 1932
Noble, Joseph - Bond Head - 1933
Noble Percy V - Shallow Lake - 1929
Noble, Wm - Battersea - 1932
Northern Rice Lake Co - Toronto - 1924
Northgraves, William - Clandeboya - 1939
Nottawasaga Farm - Cookstown - 1936
Nuhn, Wilmer - Williamsford - 1939
Oitment, George W - Norwood - 1939
Olson, Lars - Bergland - 1932
Olson, Paul - Allanwater - 1927
O'Neil, Michael - Goderich - 1939
Orbeck, O. T - Zarn - 1928
Orchard Farm - Fergus - 1930
Orton, Arthur - Ottawa - 1928
Ostler, Fred - White Lake - 1932
Oswald, Gregory R - Bridgeport - 1928
Owen, William - Port Perry - 1939
Owens, Thomas H - Brampton - 1939
Page & Foster - Fergus - 1927
Paivanen, Frank - Hudson - 1939
Pajamaki, Edward - Kaministiquia - 1939
Palmer, Charles W - Dundalk - 1939
Panting, Stephen Thomas - Bala - 1939
Pardoe, Ernest H - Blenheim - 1935
Parent, F. A - Arnprior - 1927
Paris, T. M - Westboro - 1928
Park, Victor - Nestor Falls - 1939
Parker, Reginald - Port Dover - 1939
Parkinson, Archie - Guelph - 1930
Parkinson, G. A - Guelph - 1939
Patterson Bros - Richmond Hill - 1866
Patterson, Cecil & Stanley Chesley - 1935
Patterson, Clarence - Milton - 1934
Patterson, R. B Tara - 1939
Patterson, Robert - Eganville - 1939
Patterson, W. J. & Norman - Allandale - 1927
Patterson, Wesley A - Bronte - 1939
Patterson, William B - Durham - 1939
Paul, K. R - Lanark - 1939
Paulson, Sigurd - Rainy River - 1939
Pearsall, Charles - Kingsville - 1939
Pearson & Hakenson - Kenora - 1932
Pearson, Ivar - Kenora - 1932
Peavoy, S. C - Orangeville - 1939
Peckover, Colin - MacTier - 1939
Pedden, R. E - Toronto - 1933
Peer, A. C - Port Credit - 1929
Pegg, Norman E - Lombardy - 1939
Pelto, Nick - Nolalu - 1927
Penhall, William - Hamilton - 1939
Pen-Marsh Furs, W. T. Mills - Toronto - 1932
Peppler, Cameron G - Hanover - 1932
Perdue, Clarence - Clinton - 1939
Perkins, Harry - Shanty Bay - 1939
Persik, J. M - Emo - 1939
Pesola, Chris - Kaministiquia - 1939
Peterman, James L - London - 1929
Peterson, J. A - Kenora - 1929
Peterson, P. A - Kawkosh - 1929
Pettersen, Hjalmar & Fred - Hydro - 1932
Pettit, Frank - Ingersoll - 1939
Pfeiffer, Nelson L - Preston - 1929
Phillipps, J. H - Owen Sound - 1939
Phillips, W. F - Braeside - 1929
Picard, Harold J - Ingersoll - 1939
Pickett, Lemuel - Uxbridge - 1939
Pickett, Wesley - Uxbridge - 1939
Pike Bay Farm - Hydro - 1936
Piper, Ernest J - Galt - 1930
Plummer, Jack - Mack - 1929
Pope, Ross - Wroxeter - 1939
Poulin, Edward J - Port Arthur - 1932
Powell, Miss Olive M - Petrolia - 1939
Power, Dorothy - Ottawa - 1939
Powers, J. G - Ottawa - 1939
Powers, W. S - Bronte - 1932
Presant, John E. & Harold E - Blenheim - 1930
Pretty, Lorne - Lanark - 1939
Prisk, Angus - Pickerel River - 1939
Proctor, Cecil W - Simcoe - 1939
Prosser, William - Milton - 1933
Prueter, H. J - Kitchener - 1939
Purdy, Harvey - Ashton - 1939
Purvis, George - Gore Bay - 1939
Puumalainen, P - Fort William - 1926
Pykari, Jacob - Nolalu - 1939
Quackenbush, Ralph L- Tehkummah - 1932
Quick, John D - Rainy River - 1932
Quigley, Wm - Orangeville - 1926
Rae, Alvin - Eugenia - 1933
Ralph, W. Gordon & F. H - Ottawa - 1929
Ramona Farm - Markstay - 1938
Ramsbottom, R. H - Rideau Ferry - 1939
Rank, Isaac J - Hagersville - 1932
Rankine, Charles D - Norval - 1935
Ranta Bros., John Ranta - Finland - 1929
Rayner, Frank - Allandale - 1939
Reasbeck, Charles H - Vankleek Hill - 1928
Reasbeck, J. B - Vankleek Hill - 1932
Reasbeck, R. L - Vankleek Hill - 1928
Redfern, H. G - Colborne - 1932
Redick, William P - Wyoming - 1939
Redmond, Harold - Chesley - 1939
Reeves, Charles Jr - Port Rowan - 1928
Reid, Alex - Arnprior - 1926
Reid, Archibald - Cookstown - 1934
Reid, Archibald - Ottawa - 1939
Reid, Elymir - Carleton Place - 1939
Reid, Joseph - Jarvis - 1933
Reihe, Franz - Hearst - 1914
Reihe, H. F - Hearst - 1936
Reise, Ernest - Island Falls Jct - 1929
Renner, George - Frater - 1939
Rennie, S. H - Port Perry - 1932
Renwick, Eldon - Clifford - 1939
Rettinger, Alvin - Teeswater - 1939
Reynolds, L. L - Chalk River - 1929
Reynolds, Wilfred - Fraserville - 1932
Rhody, William H - Elmwood - 1939
Rice, F. W. & H. M - Ottawa - 1939
Richards, Charles - Port Arthur - 1935
Richards, Dr. G. E - Toronto - 1924
Richards, P - South Porcupine - 1934
Richardson, Bruce E - London - 1935
Richardson, James - Perth - 1932
Richardson, Kenneth - Perth - 1939
Richardson, R. L - Barrie - 1935
Richardson, T. C - Fergus - 1925
Rickard, George E. A - Ice Lake - 1939
Riddell, H. A - Princeton - 1928
Rielly, Clair - Richmond - 1932
Riley Farm - Port Clinton - 1929
Rinne, Walter - Mattawa - 1932
Ritter, Lester W - Elmira - 1939
Rix, James A - Barrie - 1939
Robb, Arthur - Battersea - 1932
Robbins, Harry M - Sault Ste. Marie - 1935
Robillard, Barry - Fort William - 1939
Robins, I. W - Ingersoll - 1921
Robinson, Fred - Port Elgin - 1934
Robinson Bros, J. H. Robinson - St. Marys - 1932
Robinson, J. W - Feversham - 1934
Robinson, Joe - Canfield - 1929
Robinson & Son, Mrs. Mona J - Ballycroy - 1932
Rockwell, Lea W - Foleyet - 1927
Rogers, J. J - Sleeman - 1935
Rohfrietsch, Andrew - Stratford - 1939
Rombough, W. E - Morrisburg - 1932
Rondeau, Thomas Edward - Courtright - 1926
Rooney, W. A - Atikokan - 1929
Rosebush, James W - Coe Hill - 1924
Roth, David W - New Hamburg - 1932
Rothwell, Mrs. N. S. & Norman M - Navan - 1939
Rowbotham, Wilfred - Billings Bridge - 1939
Rowland, Ella M. & Mable - Belleville - 1939
Rowson, Carl V - Port Hope - 1939
Runions, John E - Mille Roches - 1929
Russel, W. J - Gormley - 1932
Ruston, Edward Earl - Mitchell - 1927
Rutledge, N. J - Kingston - 1933
Ruttan & Hartley, V. Ruttan - Battersea - 1929
Rymal, E - Dundas - 1939
Sacks, Alfred - Elmwood - 1939
Sadler, Herbert - Eganville - 1939
Salisbury, Wilbert W - Mountain View - 1939
Salminen, Paul - Worthington - 1935
Salonen, Lauri - Rheault - 1939
Samarelli, Michael - Agincourt - 1939
Sammons, R - Weston - 1939
Sampson, Forest E - King - 1939
Sargent, Bert. H - Shelburne - 1939
Saunders, C. D - Fort Frances - 1932
Saunders, John - Watford - 1934
Sawyer, Alice - London - 1939
Schaefer, T. J - Gowanstown - 1939
Scheide, Harry - Chatsworth - 1934
Schell, M - Narrow Lake - 1939
Schnurr, L. J - Shallow Lake - 1933
Schoales, David - Fort William - 1939
Schroter Bros - Oshawa - 1929
Schultz, Julius - Eagle River - 1929
Schwartz, Walter M - Dunnville - 1939
Schweyer, Keith - Selkirk - 1933
Schweyer, Mrs. Sanford - Selkirk - 1939
Scobie, J. L - Smith Falls - 1935
Scorer, William - Flesherton - 1939
Scott, E. W - Newmarket - 1939
Scott, L. Earle - King - 1939
Scott, W. D - Point-au-Baril - 1924
Scott, W. J - Schrieber - 1929
Secord, Stanley - Kettleby - 1939
Sedore, David C - Jackson's Point - 1939
Sedore, Fred A - Sutton West - 1939
Selleck, George F - Billings Bridge - 1928
Selman, Delbert - Rainy River - 1939
Sharpe, Eric - Mount Forest - 1932
Sharpe & Wilson, David J. Sharpe - Waterford - 1934
Shaw, Charles - Kinmount - 1932
Sheldon, Clarence - Sunderland - 1939
Sheppard, William - Milton West - 1939
Sheridan, Walter H - Port Perry - 1939
Shields, Manary - Dunbarton - 1939
Shier, Harvey R - Sunderland - 1939
Shipman, Kenneth - Ivy Lea - 1939
Shrubsole, Egerton W - Sault Ste. Marie - 1932
Sievenpiper, E - Elmwood - 1932
Simpson, Mrs. John - Malachi - 1928
Sims, J. W - Toronto - 1932
Simser, John W - Toronto - 1932
Sinclair, George - Niagara Falls - 1934
Sinclair, R. James - Ceylon - 1933
Sinclair, W. R. A - Essex - 1932
Sisson, Robert - South Bay Mouth - 1929
Sjostrom, John - Norman - 1932
Skaar, Louis - Emo - 1932
Slumskie, Arthur - Dobbington - 1939
Smalldon, Fred - Brussels - 1939
Smalldon, George - Brussels - 1939
Smart, H. J - La Salette - 1932
Smart, James D - Elmvale - 1929
Smith, Albert F - Nobel - 1929
Smith, C. A - St. Marys - 1939
Smith, C. O. E - London - 1939
Smith, George C. B - Fort Frances - 1939
Smith, Henry - Port Arthur - 1933
Smith, John H - Meaford - 1939
Smith & Son. J. L - Queensville - 1935
Smith, Robert A - Waterford - 1932
Smith, Robert J - Atikokan - 1929
Smith, R. M - Waterford - 1927
Smith, Wilfred Leo - Goderich - 1929
Smith, William Everton - Stouffville - 1939
Smith, W. R London - 1939
Snell, William R - Exeter - 1924
Snider, H. S - Kitchener - 1939
Snider, William Athol - Woodbridge - 1939
Sohm, Edward - South River - 1933
Solomon, Harry G - Alliston - 1932
Solomon, Wilfred G - Rosemont - 1939
Soper, Harry - Weston - 1932
Sparks, Laird - Osgoode Station - 1939
Sparrow, Herb - Weston - 1939
Spillett, A. F - Rossport - 1939
Spittel, Charles E - Timagami - 1932
Spooner, Fred J - Port Arthur - 1929
Springer, Fred - McKerrow - 1939
Sprott, John - Badjeros - 1939
Steele, L. E - Newington - 1932
Steen, G. W - Atikokan - 1929
Stephen, John & Earl - St. Marys - 1929
Stephens, David C - Woodham - 1933
Stephenson, Elmore - Varna - 1939
Stephenson, Wilbert T - London - 1933
Sternall, Alvin - Walkerton - 1939
Stevens, David R - St. Marys - 1926
Stevenson, Miss Margaret I - Brussels - 1939
Stevenson, Mrs. Pearl - Brussels - 1939
Stewart, William - Barrie - 1939
Stiff, Lloyd M - Toronto - 1939
Stinson, Mrs. W. D - Sioux Lookout - 1939
Stiver, Howard F - Unionville - 1939
Stopple, R - Redditt - 1927
Storie, Clark - Sand Point - 1926
Storms Bros , Spencer W. Storms - Sydenham - 1933
Stratton, Kenneth - Guelph - 1932
Strickler, Robert - Woodstock - 1932
Stringer, A. R - Mindemoya - 1939
Stromberg, C. Elliott - Torrance - 1939
Strucke, Walter F - Dobbington - 1939
Stuart, Arthur J - Wales - 1939
Stuart, Gordon L - Galt - 1939
Stumpf, Arthur - Acton - 1928
Subject, William - Holland Centre - 1934
Smile, J - Dryden - 1932
Summers, D. T - Goulais River - 1932
Summers, David & George - Michipicoten Harbour - 1929
Summers & Mudge - Michipicoten Harbour - 1935
Sunnybrook Farm - Glasgow Station - 1928
Sunter, William - Thamesford - 1933
Sutherland, William - Bond Head - 1939
Sutinen, J - Kinghorn - 1932
Suronen, Fred - Fort William - 1939
Swaim, A. E - Larson - 1913
Swanson, Anton - Hogarth - 1927
Swartz, Walter M - Dunnville - 1939
Sweiger, Melvin - Chesley - 1939
Swinimer Bros - Sultan - 1939
Sykes, John - York Mills - 1939
Symington, Mabel - Sault Ste. Marie - 1939
Taillefer, George - Alexandria - 1929
Taillefer, Lucine - Alexandria - 1933
Taylor, Frank L - Langstaff - 1933
Webster, Nelson D - Sundridge - 1929
Webster, William Robert - Mallorytown - 1939
Weeden, Cecil S - Chatsworth - 1932
Weese, Dr. F. A - Wallaceburg - 1934
Welch, A. E - Ancaster - 1939
Weller, A. F - Arnstein - 1939
West, Frederick - Holland Landing - 1939
West, Richard - Saut Ste. Marie - 1939
Westenberg, B - Chesley - 1939
White, Duncan M - Mooretown - 1929
White, Garnet W - Severn Park - 1939
White, George Reginald - St. Marys - 1932
White, Lawson - Proton Station - 1939
Whitefish Lake Farm - Fort William - 1924
Whitehead, Henry - Devlin - 1939
Whitehill Farm - Billings Bridge - 1929
Wick, Dris - Kenora - 1939
Wiedrick Bros., Roy Wiedrick - Waterford - 1935
Wiedrick, M. B - Waterford - 1929
Wilkie, John - Point Edward - 1926
Wilkin, Harvey - Elmwood - 1939
Wilkinson, Fred G - Chapple - 1939
Wilkinson, Harvey - Waterdown - 1928
Williams, Jack - Coniston - 1934
Williamson, Cecil - Markdale - 1939
Williamson, W. K - St. Marys - 1939
Willingham, Alfred - Aurora - 1939
Wills, Albert E - Rideau Ferry - 1939
Wills, Stanley - Rideau Ferry - 1939
Wilson, Alvin - Richmond - 1939
Wilson, C. H - Cardinal - 1939
Wilson, Corby - Hydro - 1939
Wilson, J. L - Sleeman - 1939
Wilson, James - Toronto - 1939
Wilson, William - Utterson - 1939
Wilson, William D - Westwood - 1928
Wilson, William George - Walford - 1939
Windeker, Alvin - Cayuga - 1937
Wisner, Fred - Chesley - 1939
Wood, Alvin J - St. Marys - 1932
Wood, George - Chatsworth - 1932
Wood, Myron K - St. Marys - 1935
Wood, Omer C - Lyndhurst - 1932
Wood, W. J - Alliston - 1939
Woodrow, Alex - Brussels - 1939
Wright, Dan - Dryden - 1929
Wright, George - Simcoe - 1939
Wright, Harry V - Caledonia - 1926
Wright, R. F - Bancroft - 1932
Wright, Robert - Perth - 1939
Wrightson, Albert - Tiverton - 1929
Yack, Norman A - Walkerton - 1933
Young, Donald R - Emo - 1924
Young, Frank C - Goulais River - 1932
Young, Leslie - Hamilton - 1933
Young, Walter S - Bolton - 1939
Young, William - Conn - 1929
Yudelson, Harry - St. Eugene - 1939
Yuill, Russell - White Lake - 1928
Zapfe, Arnold E - Suomi - 1932
Adam, J - Roblin - 1928
Amoca Farm - McConnell - 1930
Anderson, E. A - Birds Hill - 1932
Anderson, E. L. & McQuarrie - Arborg - 1935
Apsit, Peter & John - Lettonia - 1926
Aseltine, K. C - Winnipeg - 1928
Ashby, Fred - Crawford Park - 1929
Ateah, Alfred J - Victoria Beach - 1926
Ateah, Edward - Victoria Beach - 1932
Ateah, John N - Victoria Beach - 1932
Ateah, Sam - Victoria Beach - 1932
Atkin, G. J - Durban - 1927
Austen, Owen - Balmoral - 1934
Austin, C. W - Strathclair - 1929
Bailley, Michael - Poplarfield - 1933
Baldwin, S. E - Starbuck - 1928
Balkwill, James - Elkhorn - 1929
Balstone Farm - Stonewall - 1936
Bates, George H. Jr - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Beaver Lake Farm - Flin Flon - 1935
Bell, Charles - Rossburn - 1932
Bell, James F - Delta - 1929
Benjaminson, Skule - Kirkfield Park - 1939
Berthaudin, Jean - East Bay - 1925
Binks, Thomas - Niverville - 1933
Birsneck, John - Lac du Bonnet -1932
Bjarnarson, B - Langruth - 1924
Blackie, Peter Jr - Winnipeg - 1927
Blandford, Charles - Rivers - 1929
Blyth, G. F. & Jack - Winnipeg - 1935
Blyth & Robertson - Winnipeg - 1934
Booth, C. H - Winnipeg - 1924
Booth, Robert Douglas - Treherne - 1932
Borgford, A. & G. G. & M. H - Arborg - 1934
Bourgeois, Zeph - Amaranth - 1932
Bourgouin, Julien - Richer - 1929
Bourque, Paul - Neelin - 1928
Bousquet, A. L - Amaranth - 1932
Bradley, Austin Hunter - Newdale - 1928
Bradley, Dr. J. W - Virden - 1928
Braet, Arthur - Bruxelles - 1934
Brinkman, Acey E - Grandview - 1929
Brown, C. P - McConnell - 1926
Brown, Mrs. John - Shoal Lake - 1929
Brutter, Hans - Norway House - 1932
Bruxelles Farm - Bruxelles - 1937
Buck, Frank - Hamiota - 1930
Budz, Edward J - Rossburn - 1933
Burge, George - Elkhorn - 1929
Burgess, Wm - Virden - 1927
Burton, Norman A. D - Franklin - 1932
Busilla, Fred - Ross - 1927
Cairns, G - McConnell - 1930
Cairns, J. A - Grandview - 1928
Cameron. W. G - Dauphin - 1929
Campion, Cyril & C. E - Winnipeg - 1932
Carr, L. J - Endcliffe - 1934
Carson Bros , Harold & Joe - Thornhill - 1935
Cason, R. J - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Cason, W. F - Gilbert Plains - 1933
Chalieux, Mrs. Felix M - Winnipeg - 1933
Christianson Bros., S - Miniota - 1933
Claes, E. Arthur - Prairie Grove - 1935
Cockerill, Herbert W - Merridale - 1926
Collie & Son, W. F. H - Winnipeg - 1934
Cottingham, Fred - Mentieth - 1934
Cottingham, R. H - Petersfield - 1935
Cowan, Fred W - Minnedosa - 1927
Craig Bros., Peter - Dropmore - 1932
Cross, Howard D - Killarney - 1939
Currie, H. B - Birtle - 1932
Dandridge, Hubert George - Birtle - 1928
Darley, E - Killarney - 1929
David, Charles - Victoria Beach - 1934
Davies, C. F - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Dent, Mrs. J. W - Cranberry Portage - 1935
Dickie, James - Hamiota - 1928
Douglas, W. 0 - Birds Hill - 1934
Dowler, George - Dauphin - 1934
Doyle, A. M - Winnipeg - 1928
Drucker, Louis - Winnipeg - 1935
Drysdale, Hugh - Indian Bay - 1927
Drysdale, J. J. & Wallace - Stoney Mountain - 1936
Duncan, Raymond E - Rosebank - 1932
Dure, W. H - Sturgeon Creek - 1929
Eadie, Mrs. Thomas - Birds Hill - 1933
Eaton, Harris - Matlock - 1934
East Bay Farm - East Bay - 1936
Edwards, H - Souris - 1932
Eirikson, Gieri - Lundar - 1935
Elgar, Charles H - Belmont - 1932
Ellis, Jack - Lenore - 1935
Escott, Henry R - Winnipeg - 1939
Everett & Pangman - McConnell - 1929
Ewer, W. H - Neepawa - 1931
Farncombe Bros - Bagot - 1929
Ferguson, Tom - Sturgeon Creek - 1932
Finnson, Julius - Gimli - 1935
Fletcher, Ernest - Holmfield - 1932
Forman, Ernest J - Rivers - 1928
Forrest, Robert - Niverville - 1927
Forsberg, Arthur - Dauphin - 1928
Forsdick, T - McMunn - 1929
Fortier, Joseph Frederick - Winnipeg - 1929
Fradley, George H - Alexander - 1933
Frank's Farm - Petersfield - 1937
Freeman, Oscar L - Piney - 1932
Fridsteinsson, Arni - Riverton - 1934
Gamache, J. A - Ste Rose du Lac - 1926
Garland, Art - Charleswood - 1939
Garven, F. E - Bird's Hill - 1929
Gerow, P. W - Souris - 1935
Gibson, Arthur J - Elm Creek - 1927
Godin, Eugene - Minitonas - 1934
Gofton, Dr. E. M - Dauphin - 1932
Gold, A. E - Winnipeg - 1934
Goldfield Farm - Oak Point - 1929
Gosselin, Aime - St. Maio - 1929
Gowan, Wm - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Gowler, Wesley L - Poplar Point - 1934
Graham, H. S - Winnipeg - 1938
Grassie, I. E - Portage la Prairie - 1932
Green, L. A - Napinka - 1929
Green, Millard - Medora - 1935
Grenon, J. P - Winnipegosis - 1914
Gros, Frank - Camp Morton - 1934
Graham, Arnold - Hilton - 1935
Gudrien, Hans - Thornhill - 1938
Guilbert, A - Petersfield - 1927
Hagyard, Charles H - Routledge - 1932
Haig, John - Hilton - 1932
Hall, C. J - Binscarta - 1928
Halldorson, T. H - Oak Point - 1932
Hallson, Hallur - Silver Bay - 1932
Hamilton, John Harvey - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Haralson, C. A - Erickson - 1928
Harland, Thomas Edward - Moore Park - 1932
Harper, A. T - McCreary - 1929
Harris, Arthus - Gilbert Plains - 1939
Hassard, H. J - Portage la Prairie - 1932
Hawranik, Victor - Whitemouth - 1932
Hay, M. G - Foxwarren - 1929
Hebner, Arthur - Gilbert Plains - 1932
Hiebert. J. W - Ste Agathe - 1928
Hill, James - Winnipeg - 1932
Hinwell, E. J - Arden - 1929
Hipwell, Ernest G - Arden - 1927
Hipwell, J. N - Stonewall - 1932
Hoddinott, Edwin A - Winnipeg - 1934
Hodkinson, H. W - Neepawa - 1934
Holden, E. A - Melita - 1928
Hole, A. A - Rennie - 1928
Holloway, Frank E - East Kildonan - 1934
Holloway, S. H - Balmoral - 1933
Holloway, & Sons, Thos. E - Stonewall - 1933
Holm, Dori - Gimli - 1935
Holm, O. N. E - Scandinavia - 1927
Holmes, M. W - Souris - 1933
Holmstron, Henry - Basswood - 1926
Hooper, Mrs. Charles G - Kelloe - 1933
Hoover, A. R - Portage la Prairie - 1933
Hordal, Bjorn T - Otto - 1932
Hordal, Leo - Lundar - 1928
Horne, George W - Winnipeg - 1933
Hucul, Alex - Cardale - 1926
Hudson's Bay Co - Winnipeg - 1934
Hudson, Harold - Pinawa - 1929
Huffman, Jas. A - Lauder - 1935
Hunter, Dr. H. A - Reston - 1932
Ibbotson. A. R - Souris - 1933
Iredale, A. E - Dauphin - 1929
Isaac, Dietrich T - McTavish - 1935
Jacobs, E. Gordon - Ochre River - 1928
James Farm - Varsity View - 1938
Jensen, I. J. T - Swan River - 1935
Johannsen, A. & S. R. Jensen - Ross - 1927
Johannson, I. C - Selkirk - 1935
Johnson, J. S - Arborg - 1935
Johnson, J. V - Gimli - 1932
Johnson, Paul - Clanwilliam - 1929
Johnson, Mrs. Walter - Carman - 1927
Jones, W. C. Jr - Lily Bay - 1928
Jonsson, Freda - Victoria Beach - 1936
Jordon, W. H - Hamiota - 1932
Jorundson, Franklin - Oak Point - 1927
Jorundson, Kris - Lundar - 1926
Jorundson, Mrs. Laura - Oak Point - 1933
Juckes, Bryan - Hamiota - 1928
Kalnin, Andrew - Bird River - 1933
Kaster, John M - Deloraine - 1932
Keen, Walter - Thornhill - 1937
Keenan & Davies - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Kieper Bros., Alex - Silverton - 1934
Kinch, David G - Souris - 1932
King, Frank - Killarney - 1939
Kirk, J - Winnipeg - 1929
Kissack & Sons, J. H - MacDonald - 1928
Kitchen, Ken - Souris - 1932
Kjartanson, Jon - Hecla - 1932
Klintberg, Sven - Bird's Hill - 1927
Knight, L - Souris - 1939
Koop, Jacob - Hochstadt - 1932
Kruse, Mrs. H - Bird's Hill - 1934
Kruzelnicki, Frank - Narol - 1934
Labassiere, Eustache - Ste Rose du Lac - 1927
Lagsdin, Charles - Lettonia - 1933
Laing, Robert & Douglas - Stonewall - 1930
Langill, D. W - Giroux - 1934
Layng, Ben T - Neepawa - 1932
Leeson, J. S- Hnausa - 1925
Leppy, Abe G - Niverville - 1935
Leonard, Richard T - Oak Lake - 1929
Le Seach, Mrs. Irene - Petersfield - 1932
Lester, Rex - Victoria Beach - 1937
Lester, William J. R - Victoria Beach - 1934
Lindsay, John A - Rossburn - 1932
Lisowsky, Wm - Fishing River - 1934
Loucks, Walter - The Pas - 1927
Ludlam, Frank - Reston - 1932
Lund, Herbert B - Birtle - 1934
MacMillan, John - Hamiota - 1932
Manley, James E - Basswood - 1929
Margot, Wm. H - Sturgeon Creek - 1932
Mark, Edison - Forward - 1926
Markson, John - Winnipeg - 1935
Martin, Mrs. C. W - Neepawa - 1932
Mayer, Jas - Kenville - 1935
Mazurkewich, Wm. J - Zoria - 1934
McAllister, E. & Calsbeck - Winnipeg - 1929
McCallister, Allen - Portage la Prairie - 1932
McCauley, W. J - Stonewall - 1935
McConnell, Mrs. M - Winnipeg - 1932
McCorkindale, J. M - Elkhorn - 1929
McDougall, F. W - Virden - 1927
McKenzie, Alexander - Benito - 1935
McLaren Bros., M. A - Clearwater - 1924
McLean, Sterling - Virden - 1926
McLean, S. J - Gilbert Plains - 1935
McLennan, Donald - Oakner - 1935
McLeod, Dr. C. S - Winnipeg - 1935
McPhaden, H. A - Oak River - 1932
McPhail, L. D - Dauphin - 1929
McPhail, Stanley G - Belmont - 1929
McPhedran, J. E - Oak Point - 1932
Melville, Edward - Bannerman - 1929
Meyer, J. W - Grandview - 1935
Miller, W - Woodside - 1933
Milson, F. G - Bird's Hill - 1932
Minkmart Farm - Petersfield - 1937
Mitchell Bros., Wm. & John - Killarney - 1927
Moir, Gordon J - Killarney - 1928
Mombaze, Louis - Rennie - 1928
Montroy, Ramsay - Neelin - 1929
Moody, R. M Sanford - 1929
Morgan Bros., L. H - Wakopa - 1932
Murdock Bros - Petersfield - 1938
Nash, Samuel L - Elgin - 1932
Neal, Ray - Stonewall - 1935
Neilson, Edward - Winnipeg Beach - 1935
Neilson, Sture - Charleswood - 1937
Nixon, H. L - Winnipeg - 1924
Nyberg, Emil - Pinawa - 1926
Oedelberg, Richard - Scandinavia - 1932
O'Neil. E. T - Moline - 1929
Page, William - St. Vital - 1929
Paget, J. E - Winnipeg - 1934
Paoli, A. A - Winnipeg - 1934
Park, Mel - Carman - 1926
Patushenko, Nicholas - Indian Bay - 1928
Paull, W. D - Elkhorn - 1927
Peacey Bros., J. B - Minnedosa - 1927
Peat, P. H - Alexander - 1935
Peters, Arthur - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Peterson Bros., Herbert T - Gimli - 1933
Pirt, Morley B - Winnipeg - 1926
Plummer, Stephen W - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Porte, G. J - Niverville - 1934
Portage La Prairie Club, S. Brown - Portage la Prairie - 1928
Prentiss, W. B. & Hawthorne - Portage la Prairie - 1932
Price & Son, A. W - Gilbert Plains - 1934
Priest, Joe A - Gilbert Plains - 1933
Pritchard, Robert T - Winnipeg - 1929
Puchailo, Henry - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Quesnel, Arthur - Manigotogan - 1932
Rankin, J - Charleswood - 1939
Rankin, W. G - Bird's Hill - 1932
Rattai, Gottleib J - St. Ouens - 1928
Redmond, J - Souris - 1932
Reese, Ervin - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Reesor, Percy F - Ochre River - 1928
Regan, W. G - Elkhorn - 1933
Reichert, A. P - Thornhill - 1938
Reichert, John A - Thornhill - 1935
Ricker, Harry - Neelin - 1929
Rivard, Willie - Sahel - 1929
Robbins, C. M - Darlingford - 1934
Robertson, Alexander - Delta - 1928
Robertson, Cliff - Gilbert Plains - 1932
Robertson, Hubert H - Grandview - 1934
Robertson, Joe & R. J - The Pas - 1935
Robinson, Edward - East Bay - 1929
Robinson, Sam - Killarney - 1929
Romanyshyn, Mike - Ethelbert - 1934
Ronander, A - Charleswood - 1939
Rosenbarker, W. F - Kelwood - 1929
Ross & Sons, A - Bird's Hill - 1932
Ross, Hugh - Bird's Hill - 1929
Ross, John R - Basswood - 1926
Schaefer, Wm - Gilbert Plains - 1934
Schroeder, Walter - Winnipeg - 1935
Scrase, Tom W - Dauphin - 1935
Selin, John - Dauphin - 1935
Shankland, Arthur - Brandon - 1929
Shewman, Lloyd S - Morris - 1935
Sheil, E. R - Minitonas - 1934
Sigurdson, Barney - Matheson Island - 1934
Sigurdson, Johann S - Lundar - 1930
Simpson Bros., Charles - Winnipeg - 1925
Singleton, Asberry & Miss Maisie - Gladstone - 1932
Sklepovitch, W. T - Fork River - 1934
Sloan, Mrs. Susan - Virden - 1932
Smith, A. J - Neveton - 1932
Smith, J. B - Bird's Hill - 1934
Smith, Joseph T - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Spence, George G - Winnipegosis - 1932
Spillett, Isaac - Dauphin - 1928
Stelck, Floyd A - Dauphin - 1939
Stevenson, George R - Laurier - 1929
Stewart, Andrew W - Hamiota - 1928
Storey, Thos - Portage la Prairie - 1935
Stratton & Johnstone - Roblin - 1929
Stuart, H. J - Hnausa - 1925
Sutton, Arthur E - Killarney - 1929
Sylvester, J. H - Carman - 1933
Sytnick, M - Zoria - 1934
Teskey, M - Killarney - 1939
Thiessen Bros. J. J - Giroux - 1925
Thomassen, O. K - Winnipeg - 1928
Thompson, V. S , H. N - Virden - 1929
Thompson & Son, H. Y - Virden - 1928
Thomson, John J - Gilbert Plains - 1928
Thordarson, J. G - Langruth - 1935
Tkachuk, Steve - Horod - 1929
Tod, R. J - Scarth - 1929
Topham, Fred - Grandview - 1932
Topnik, Harry - Winkler - 1932
Turner, MacLean - Arden - 1932
Ulman, John - Lettonia - 1934
Van de Spiegle - Bruxelles - 1932
Vodden, A. N - Elkhorn - 1929
Ward, Edward - Delta - 1928
Warner, Fred - Matlock - 1935
Warren Farm - Rapid City - 1938
Washington, Dr. E. J - Winnipeg - 1930
Waters, Wallace R - Durban - 1917
Watkins, George G - Belmont - 1929
Watling, John - Victoria Beach - 1935
Watson Bros, Fred - Bird's Hill - 1929
Wenger, Fred - Winnipegosis - 1927
West, Ellis - Gilbert Plains - 1934
Whidden, Mrs. J. S - Flip Flon - 1933
Whittick, Gordon A - Niverville - 1926
Wiebe, Jacob F - Niverville - 1934
Wilde, Oscar L - Great Falls - 1932
Wildfong, Arthur L. & Mary - Hamiota - 1928
Willis, John - Balmoral - 1933
Willowcreek Farm - Winnipeg - 1931
Wilson, J. 0 - Hartney - 1929
Windfall Farm - McConnell - 1931
Winkler, H. L - Charleswood - 1932
Winkler, Roy - Charleswood - 1939
Wizniak, John - Fishing River - 1935
Woods, Mirvan A - Hamiota - 1928
Woods, Wes - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Wreggit, A. John - Gilbert Plains - 1935
Wright, R. A. & P. G - Bird's Hill - 1928
Young, J. R - Winnipeg - 1928
Young, Lt. Col. R. H - Winnipeg - 1935
Zavidoski, Louis - Whitemouth - 1935
Zeemel, A - Lac du Bonnet - 1932
Zubresky, Dmitro N - Garland - 1935
Zurba, Tony - Fishing River - 1935
Anderson, J. F - Krydor - 1928
Andrews, Bert - Moose Jaw - 1939
Armstrong, F. C - Moose Jaw - 1935
Atkinson, A. C - Rhein - 1932
Arbuckle & Vincent - Wolseley - 1929
Ausland, Halvor - Ile a la Crosse - 1928
Backlin, Lenneth R - Trossachs - 1935
Baines, Frank - Saltcoats - 1926
Berezowski, George W - Sheho - 1933
Bergman, Hilding - Chelan - 1929
Bergquist, Victor H - Minton - 1933
Billings, W - Chitek - 1934
Bolton, Everett - Scotsguard - 1935
Bourk, J. E - Springwater - 1929
Brown, H. W - Meadow Lake - 1935
Buckman, L. W - Perigord - 1926
Butcher, Harry - Punnichy - 1932
Button, W. D - Vanguard - 1932
Cameron, Dr. A. K - Delisle - 1926
Campbell, Archie H - Saskatoon - 1936
Campbell, M. W - Rocanville - 1926
Carlson, J. A - Kuroki - 1932
Chevaldome, Miss A - Margo - 1929
Claypool & Sons, S. J - Steven - 1935
Cook, Ken - Hazel Dell - 1928
Crook, Harry - Carrot River - 1929
Curran, C. E - Coleville - 1928
Curson, E. E - Coleville - 1926
Dand, Joe - Swift Current - 1938
Davidson, H. W - Govan - 1932
Dewell, Wm - Lady Lake - 1935
Dransfield & Moulton - Somme - 1935
Durham, Mrs. J. M - Carrot River - 1932
Earwaker, George - Bright Sand - 1934
Edge, John H - Coleville - 1926
Edwards. W. J - Bender - 1928
English, H. A - Mullingar - 1926
Erickson, S. P - Fort Qu'Appelle- 1929
Evans, Michael - Sheho - 1932
Evans, Walter George - Regina - 1932
Eyford, B. F - Hudson's Bay Junction - 1937
Felter, W - Fond du Lac - 1934
Fox, Victor G - Hardy - 1928
Francis, John Wm - Whitewood - 1929
Francis, Orm & Robert - Tilney - 1934
Frechette. D - Smeaton - 1932
Fuller, Dudley - Alida - 1928
Fulton, A. M - Indian Head - 1924
Ganley, James V - Red Cross - 1935
Gathercole, Frederick - Broadview - 1932
Gould, George E - Moose Jaw - 1938
Greenhow, G. R - Morse - 1935
Griffin, Orville - Weyburn - 1938
Guistein, Olaf & Oliver - Herbert - 1933
Hanson, R - Tessier - 1930
Hanson, Mrs. William - Tessier - 1932
Hanssecker, Wm - Quill Lake - 1935
Heppner, G. B - Waldheim - 1935
Herbert, Maurice - Meadow Lake - 1932
Hewlett, Mrs. Fannie - Pierceland 1933
Hipfner, Anton - Montmarte - 1928
Hooten, Henry - Lestock - 1929
Hoskins, Charles E - Broadview - 1928
Howell, Geo. W - Parkbeg - 1934
Howlett, J. H - Rush Lake - 1933
Hudacek, Stephen - Esterhazy - 1932
Hutchinson, H. G. & G. R - Kamsack - 1929
Jackson, James A - Shell Lake - 1934
Jennings, A. C - Buchanan - 1934
Johnson, Arthur E - Flat Valley - 1934
Johnson, A. F - Prince Albert - 1932
Kerr, B. B - Carlyle - 1932
Keland, John T - Fosston - 1935
Knudson, Gerould - Porcupine Plain - 1935
Kopp Bros., J. A - Humboldt - 1934
Korop, A. T - Beacon Hill - 1934
Krawesky, Paul - Sheho - 1933
Kuprowsky, William - Sheho - 1933
Lafreniere, J. H - Ormaux - 1934
Latta, W. G - Punnichy - 1933
Lemieux, Lucien - Alida - 1935
Lien, Christ - Chitek - 1935
Lind, Ernest Melvin - Porcupine Plain - 1935
Lough, W. D - Moosomin - 1932
Luchsinger, Arthur - Leroy - 1934
MacKay, W. J - Moosomin - 1932
Kopp Bros., J. A - Humboldt - 1934
Korop, A. T - Beacon Hill - 1934
Krawesky, Paul - Sheho - 1933
Kuprowsky, William - Sheho - 1933
Lafreniere, J. H - Ormaux - 1934
Latta, W. G - Punnichy - 1933
Lemieux, Lucien - Alida - 1935
Lien, Christ - Chitek - 1935
Lind, Ernest Melvin - Porcupine Plain - 1935
Lough, W. D - Moosomin - 1932
Luchsinger, Arthur - Leroy - 1934
MacKay, W. J - Moosomin - 1932
Magnussen, O - Lydden - 1929
Manderson. John - Beacon Hill - 1935
Mark, Edison - Forward - 1927
Marshall-Dewell, E. G. Marshall - Hudson's Bay Junction - 1932
Maslin, A - Morse - 1934
Maslin, Victor - Archerwill - 1932
McDermott, Mrs. A - Perigord - 1928
McDonald, H. A - Ile a la Crosse - 1932
McIntosh, W. G - Valeport - 1935
Merriman, H. S - Punnichy - 1932
Misner, Adrian - Govan - 1932
Mitchell, C. M - Nipawin - 1935
Moore, John F - High View - 1929
Moose Mountain Ltd - Kisby - 1928
Moroz, Walter - Margo - 1935
Myrhaugen, Hjalmar - Success - 1933
Napier, James - North Battleford - 1934
Newman, C. A - Tompkins - 1935
Neilson, Olaf A. H - Big River - 1934
Norlingden Mink - Tessier - 1936
Olson, Wilfred E - Flat Valley - 1934
Patterson, Albert - Prince Albert - 1928
Pederson, Tom - Buffalo Narrows - 1933
Peterson, Andrew H - Sturgis - 1933
Phipps, S. J. H - Cantuar - 1934
Pierce, Bert - Archerwill - 1932
Pinder, Howard Leslie - Raymore - 1934
Porten, Clarence E - Leroy - 1934
Porter, Wm. A - Leroy - 1934
Potvin, J. P - Ponteix - 1934
Prairie Rose Ranch - Jansen - 1939
Reap Bros - Luseland - 1939
Redman, J. J - Yarbo - 1929
Reid, D. D - Canora - 1928
Reid, Mrs. Mary A - Canora - 1933
Rieger, A. J - Kisby - 1928
Robbins, R. B - Margo - 1933
Robert, Donat - Montmartre - 1935
Robinson, Elie - Franks Lake - 1932
Rodin, Roland C - Trossachs - 1935
Rothpletz, J - Viellardville - 1935
Rushton, Chas - Rocanville - 1932
Saville, Mrs. Ada Hope - Kelliher - 1934
Schmidt, Frank A - Alamada - 1926
Schuman, H. K - Raymore - 1924
Sheets, Lloyd B - Smiley - 1935
Skogen, Ole - Tribune - 1929
Smart, Frederick Leonard - Paynton - 1924
Smith, Christian - Kamsack - 1932
Spencer, Mrs. Louise - Lloydminster - 1934
Stockdale Bros - Punnichy - 1932
Street, Stanley J - Tisdale - 1932
Sugden, James A - Broadview - 1926
Summers, A. S - Highview - 1929
Tadei Bros - Radisson - 1926
Ternan, Wm. E. & Geo. E - Leroy - 1935
Thompson, Edward - New Osgoode - 1935
Torrance, David M - Green Lake - 1932
Twigge, Harold Cecil - Shellbrook - 1929
Walsh, Walter - Oxbow - 1932
Walton, George - Viellardville - 1935
Ward, Frank - Springwater - 1929
Wrightson, Isaac - Unity - 1932
Alackson, A. S - New Norway - 1928
Allen, Alvah L - Ardrossan - 1929
Anstice, T. F - Ardenode - 1933
Ashley, I. G - Roundhill - 1932
Ashton, Lee A - Rife - 1933
Baader & Son, Max - Edmonton - 1932
Bamber, S - Wabamun - 1934
Barnes, E. L - Elnora - 1938
Barr, J. 1 - Edmonton - 1929
Bealey, M. K - Calgary - 1937
Beaudry, Mrs. A - Lac La Biche - 1934
Bell, Mrs. H. C - Fawcett - 1935
Bellhouse, Harry - Edmonton - 1935
Black, J. A - New Norway - 1928
Blackman, James - Calgary - 1932
Blodgett, Harry Arthur - Edmonton - 1924
Bonin, Docithe - Edmonton - 1934
Bourget, Lucien - Lac La Biche - 1933
Boyd, M. C - Faust - 1928
Boyer, I. B - Kleskun Hill - 1935
Bromley, Albert R - Sturgeon Heights - 1933
Bromley, Ernest W - McLennan - 1926
Brons, Herman J - Rosevear - 1932
Brooks, F. M - Cochrane - 1928
Browning, C - Busby - 1934
Bryant, K. J - Red Deer - 1933
Burns, G. P - Blackfalds - 1926
Burns, Mrs. M. A - Blackf aids - 1932
Bush, J. P - Luscar - 1932
Byers, W. A. & D. H - Fort Saskatchewan - 1926
Caine, Harry L - South Edmonton - 1924
Cameron, Alex - Hardisty - 1932
Carlson, Alfred L - Atikameg - 1934
Castor Farm - Castor - 1930
Chamberlain, Rufus A - Drayton Valley - 1932
Clarke, Dr. J. Lester - Didsbury - 1932
Clements, J. C - Vegreville - 1932
Colpitts & McDonald - Eckville - 1929
Coulter, William H - Calgary - 1935
Cournoyer, Eugene - Morrinville - 1938
Cross Lake Farm - Fawcett - 1938
Davies, Ernest - Forest Lawn - 1933
Davis, L. F - Edmonton - 1933
De Groff, G. A - Bentley - 1933
Dempsey, O. L - Highway - 1934
Drennan, R. W - Rochester - 1933
Dufra, Ernest - Millet - 1928
Emslie, Charles G - Edmonton - 1929
Erickson, John - Bentley - 1928
Estill, A - Priddis - 1934
Farr, E - Blackfields - 1924
Ferguson & Sons, H. P - Countess - 1933
Foley, D - Moose Portage - 1933
Fontaine, David - Wetaskiwin - 1933
Fontaine, George N - Plamandon - 1934
Ford, Frank - Edmonton - 1934
Forhan, O - Eckville - 1934
Foughty, Clifford R - Medicine Hat - 1928
French, Lindsay L - Calgary - 1934
Froman, James H - Busby - 1932
Frood, N. A - Faust - 1925
Gagnon, A. G - Lac la Nonne - 1934
Gannon, J. R - Strathmore - 1932
Geering, George R - Red Deer - 1932
Gilker, Harry - Nanton - 1937
Gillies, John B. & Robert W - Edmonton - 1928
Glover, Miles - Edmonton - 1929
Goddard, H - McLaughlin - 1939
Goodwin, W. R - Evansburg - 1932
Gorham, L. R - Edmonton - 1934
Grange Farm - Blackfalds - 1930
Graves, H. L - Mulhurst - 1927
Gray, W. B - Stettler - 1934
Gregg, G.R - Drayton Valley - 1932
Guest, Wilfred - Hinton Trail - 1938
Gustafson, O. V - Faust - 1930
Hagglund, Otto - Bellevue - 1934
Hamilton. Dr. W. Scott - Edmonton - 1933
Hansen, H. K - Medicine Hat - 1936
Hardwicke, James - Blackfalds - 1928
Hargrave, Samuel - Fort Chipewyan - 1932
Harris, W. E - Gwynne - 1929
Hedemark, Martin - Blackfalds - 1928
Henders, Stanley - Carstairs - 1939
Henry, A - Fairview - 1928
Herzog, Mrs. Etta - Blackfalds - 1926
Holm, Anton - Faust - 1928
Holt, Alfred & Norman - Alliance - 1928
Honour, J. J - Bluesky - 1933
Hughes, James C - Metiskow - 1932
Ideal Farm - Iron Springs - 1938
Jackson, Harold L - Wetaskiwin - 1933
Jacobsen, Carl Erling - Edmonton - 1932
Jeannot, Frank - Olds - 1932
Johnson, Leo T - Cheecham - 1934
Johnson & Hainline - Cheecham - 1924
Johnstone, D. C - Calgary - 1929
Keillor, Dr. F. A - Edmonton - 1926
Kennedy, L. E - Edmonton - 1926
Kenny, A. A - Rio Grande-1933
Kenwood, Frank H - Edmonton - 1933
Key, Mrs. Arthur H - Canyon Creek - 1934
Key, Dr. James A - Nordegg - 1933
Kruger, Emil - Rio Grande - 1934
Lait, Stanley R - Medicine Hat - 1932
Lait, William - Bow Island - 1935
Lalonde, Robert - Bow Island - 1935
Larson, Christopher A - Craigmyle - 1933
Larson, Louie - Cold Lake - 1935
Lawrence Bros, J. O - Wildwood - 1933
Lawrence, R. E E - Edmonton - 1935
Leavesley, J. S - Eckville - 1934
Lee, Lloyd E - Camp Creek - 1935
Lee, Oscar - Faust - 1928
Lord. R. E - Edmonton - 1935
Lucas, Andrew & P - Edmonton - 1930
Lumsden, W. D - Hanna - 1935
Lundgren, Louis - Cold Lake - 1932
Lurges, J. P - Calgary - 1933
MacDonald, Angus - Mulhurst - 1933
MacDonald, James N - Cold Lake - 1932
MacLachlan, Mr. R. H - Fawcett - 1935
MacLaren, Wilbert H - Alix - 1929
Maloney, J. M - Iron Springs - 1934
Markle, C. G - Red Deer - 1929
Matthias, E. H - Castor - 1932
McArthur & Sons, D. D - Sturgeon Heights - 1935
McCabe, J. L - Edmonton - 1933
McClean, Angus S. & R. B - Sylvan Lake - 1932
McCormack, A. J - Edmonton - 1932
McFadyen, Dr. O. J - Fairview - 1928
McGraw, Richard - Carcajou - 1929
McKinley, J. H - Widewater - 1933
McLean, Norman - Sylvan Lake - 1929
McLean, Gillies & Allen - Edmonton - 1932
Miller, Mrs. R. T - Wetaskiwin - 1933
Montgomery Farm - Wetaskiwin - 1936
Montgomery, J. W - Wembley - 1935
Moore, James W - Edmonton - 1933
Morton, Florence - Cold Lake - 1933
Murray & Son, C. H - Edmonton - 1933
Murray, J. W - Bonnyville - 1933
Nelson, Harvey - Cold Lake - 1935
Nelson & Lundgren - Cold Lake - 1933
Neuman, Mrs. Erna - Faust - 1933
Nielsen, N. P - Canyon Creek - 1935
Noren, Ole - New Norway - 1932
Oman, Nils - Mulhurst - 1934
Oneski, Fred - Mundare - 1929
Pharis, Charles L - Tod Creek - 1934
Pigeon, J. W - Edmonton - 1932
Pook, Charles - Edmonton - 1932
Power, C. S - Castor - 1928
Price, Cecil Y - Veteran - 1933
Pritchard, Mrs. R. A - Lonira - 1934
Ramsell, Wm - Bittern Lake - 1929
Richmond, John - Luscar - 1932
Ritchie, J. W - Busby - 1929
Robotta, Paul - Edmonton - 1932
Roose, Charles D - Camrose - 1935
Root, R - Wabamun - 1934
Roper, C. T. C - Bittern Lake - 1929
Rosewood Farm - Faust - 1930
Royal Fur Farm - Iron Springs - 1937
Sanders, Dr. C. W - Blackfalds - 1926
Sanborn, J. B - Edmonton - 1930
Schelten & Sons, C. C - Sedgewick - 1933
Schmidt, A - Wildwood - 1934
Schoening Bros., Clarence - Wetaskiwin - 1934
Schroder, R - Mulhurst - 1934
Schroeder, K - Mulhurst - 1933
Sharman, Wilfred C. J - Ardenode - 1935
Sheldon, H. N - Wolfe Creek - 1928
Simpson & Lea - Brooks - 1936
Skog, C. K - Mulhurst - 1935
Smart, J - Fairview - 1932
Smith, Dr. L. E - Calgary - 1938
Smith, Osmund - Coleman -1932
Spangler, J. E - Medicine Hat - 1932
Sprague, Otis H - Wabamun - 1932
Staley, Mrs. Hilda M - Castor - 1932
Stewart, F. R - Calgary - 1933
Stone, M. C - Blackfalds - 1934
Storlee, Hans A - Camrose - 1934
Stratton, Alex - Plamondon - 1933
Taylor, John - Strathmore - 1935
Terrace Farm - Rife - 1930
Tetreault, Mr.s Sylvia - St. Paul - 1933
Thomas, T - Edmonton - 1931
Thompson, J. J - Edmonton - 1934
Thurston & Dare - Barrhead - 1926
Tomson, Sydney W - Watino - 1928
Tredway, Earl - Edmonton - 1926
Trottier, Alphonse - Morrisville - 1932
Turner, Frank E - Clairmont - 1935
Turner, Mrs. H. J - Glen Leslie - 1935
Vernon, Frank Calvin - Canyon Creek - 1935
Waite, H. L - Calgary - 1928
Walker, Thomas - Vanrena - 1926
Wallace, Albert M - South Edmonton - 1932
Wallberg, Henry - Fort McMurray - 1932
Warren, A. A - Uncas - 1933
Wearmouth, George - Cochrane - 1928
Wheeler, R. H. & H. S - Edgerton - 1933
White, Miss Doris E - Teepee Creek - 1934
Whittington, Harry - Last Lake - 1928
Wianco & Sons, A. B - Bentley - 1929
Wilcox, Mrs. Bessie - Onoway - 1937
Williams, Mrs. Irene - Cardston - 1934
Wilson, Geo. F - Lethbridge - 1930
Wilson, Joseph F - Edmonton - 1933
Young, R. C - North Edmonton - 1932
British Columbia
Acrea, Leslie Streatham 1924
Airey, Francis J - Vancouver - 1928
Akerman, Eleanor M - Fulford Harbor - 1926
Albrecht, Ch. W - Lower Nicola - 1933
Allan, Alton - Parson - 1932
Anderson, Charles S - Burns Lake - 1927
Anderson, Olaf - Streatham - 1929
Arnold, Adrian J - Bella Coola - 1932
Arnold, Albert - New Hazelton - 1933
Ashford, R - Wistaria - 1927
Auedenfeldt, Mrs. Ey - Cloverdale - 1935
Auriol, Raymond - Kwinitsa - 1929
Avis Bros., Harold - Perry Siding - 1928
Bach, Frederick G. C - Rose Lake - 1932
Badham, John - Mission City - 1928
Baird, A. M - Blue River - 1929
Baity & Sons, E. A - Quesnel - 1928
Baker, A. E - Hollyburn - 1929
Baker, Maurice M - New Westminster - 1929
Bang, Henry - McMurphy - 1932
Barker, J. L - Streatham - 1924
Barnett, F. W - Croydon - 1932
Baurle, George A - Chief Lake - 1926
Beattie. H. K - Vancouver - 1931
Beck, G. J - Centre Island - 1926
Bedore, Lem - Rose Lake - 1929
Beel, John Henry - Granite Bay - 1929
Bell, Arthur L - Refuge Cove - 1928
Benson, R. H - Vancouver - 1932
Berg, H - Clinton - 1932
Bergman, John - Dona River - 1927
Bergsvik, Emil M - Matsqui - 1932
Berrey, Percival W - Brisco - 1927
Berry, Miss M - Bowser - 1926
Bigland, C - Quick Station - 1926
Bird, Christopher L - Naskup - 1939
Bogattin, A - Extension - 1924
Bolk, J. E - Vanderhoof - 1932
Boundary Farm - Camp Lister - 1930
Brady, James C. & E. C - Prince Rupert - 1929
Brawn, H. G - Chemainus - 1926
Brawn, Mrs. J. L - Ladysmith - 1934
Brazil, T. B - Hardy Island - 1929
Brott, Howard - Danskin - 1927
Brown, Charles B - Vancouver - 1929
Brown, Henry Wm - Ootsa Lake - 1932
Brown, L. L Abbotsford - 1936
Brown, Wm. R - Powell River - 1935
Buckmaster, A. H - Victoria - 1932
Burnett, H. Y - Vancouver - 1935
Butler, Leonard - Kleena Kleene - 1932
Cameron, D. H - Galena - 1927
Campbell, A. B - Cariboo - 1928
Campbell, D - Nanaimo - 1929
Campbell, George H - Reid Lake - 1934
Campbell, J. A - Revelstoke - 1932
Capilano Farm - Capilano - 1931
Carlson, Herman - Atlin - 1932
Carr, Mrs. Isabel - Vancouver - 1927
Carson, Halcyon E - Pavilion - 1932
Carter, Norman E - Nanaimo - 1929
Chilco Farm - Chilko - 1929
Christensen, Torn - Prince George - 1928
Christofferson, John - Nicola - 1932
Clarke, George W - Victoria - 1935
Clough, Walter - Slocan City - 1929
Coates, W. D. & W - Glendevon - 1934
Collins, Robert S - Vanderhoof - 1932
Comstock, W. R - Vanderhoof - 1934
Conner, E. E - Vancouver - 1929
Cowie, R - Courtenay - 1932
Cummins, Edwin P - Coquiltz - 1932
Curran, F. J - Fanny Bay - 1926
Dahl, A. C - Fort Fraser - 1924
Day, A. G. & L - Canoe - 1927
Deley, G. H - Louis Creek - 1926
Despard, Edward - Errington - 1932
Dickson, A. C - Vanderhoof - 1935
Dickson, Mrs. Bessie C - Ootsa Lake - 1934
Dockstador, M. G - Nanaimo - 1929
Donahoe, A. J. H - Wardner - 1926
Donnelly, Alexander - Lejac - 1932
Donshack, H - Little Fort - 1935
Dowsett, Edward S - Pavilion - 1928
Drought, G - Peachland - 1928
Duggan, J. S - Vernon - 1928
Dunn, Reginald - Crescent - 1932
Dvorak, Wenzel - Fernie - 1928
Eakin & Roos, Samuel Eakin - Ootsa Lake - 1932
Eddings, G. S - Ootsa Lake - 1926
Edland, Walter - Lochdale - 1932
Edwards, Ralph A - Hagensborg - 1932
Edwardsen, B - Spences Bridge - 1933
Elder, John - Finmoore - 1934
Ellingsen, C - Knutsford - 1932
Ellison, Wm. R - Ootsa Lake - 1924
English, R. Harold - Summerland - 1929
Erickson, Alex - Tchesinkut Lake - 1932
Evans, George - Vanderhoof - 1935
Farquharson, R. J - Burnaby - 1926
Fatt, Fred P - Victoria - 1935
Fisher, R. B - Finmoore - 1932
Flegg, Charles Henry - Fort Fraser - 1933
Fleming, E. S - Burns Lake - 1932
Foote, M. R - Stellaco - 1929
Forde, H. D - Endako - 1932
Foster, Frank - Fraser Lake - 1932
Forbes, F. Gilbert - Lac la Hache - 1926
Frolek, Dan - Kamloops - 1933
Frolek, Frank - Kamloops - 1934
Gair, Mrs. Wm - Forestdale - 1928
Geernaert, Claude - Giscombe - 1929
Geissler, Rudolph F - Lejac - 1933
Gellett, George W - Victoria - 1929
George, Mrs. Minnie S - New Westminster - 1932
Gilmour & Sons, George - Telkwa - 1928
Godfrey, H. R - Vancouver - 1932
Goodall, Edwin - Glenanan - 1924
Goodwin, W. I - Bowser - 1929
Gordon, C. L - Langley Prairie - 1939
Graham, A. A. & M. M - Whonnock - 1928
Grandy, George Franklin - New Westminster - 1934
Gray, Bertram - New Westminster - 1935
Green, P - Chief Lake - 1926
Greenaway, J - Extension - 1924
Gregson, A. D - Courtenay - 1924
Grieve, W. J - Hecate - 1929
Griffin, M. J Vanderhoof - 1928
Groves, F. W - Kelowna - 1927
Gulbranson, Einar - Southbank - 1935
Guss & Sons, J. M - Ootsa Lake - 1924
Hale, Frank - Galena - 1932
Halland, N. H - Chief Lake - 1932
Haller, Edward N - Vancouver - 1929
Hambrook, Tom - Hardy Island - 1929
Hamilton, J. H - East Pine - 1932
Hammond, W. J - Coquitlam - 1927
Hansen, Fred - Albion - 1932
Hansen, Mrs. G - Victoria - 1929
Hansen, Fred & Jacobsen - Albion - 1933
Hardy. S. H - Ootsa Lake - 1928
Harris, C. E - Bourquitlam - 1939
Harrison, Mrs. Jessie - Yahk - 1929
Harrison, J. F. & W. R - Burnaby - 1928
Harrow, Dudley - Galena - 1928
Harvey. A. T - Victoria - 1935
Hastings, Jos - Fanny Bay - 1932
Hawker, Mrs. T. A - Fort Fraser - 1932
Haynes, Mrs. Alice - Chilco - 1926
Haynes, C. E. & Mrs. A - Finmoore - 1929
Haynes, Mr. & Mrs. F. W - Chilco - 1932
Hedlund, Gust - Prince George - 1932
Heywood, E. P - Victoria - 1926
Hird & Son, J. A - Vancouver - 1924
Hodgins, Harry M - Mount Lehman - 1929
Hogan, A. H - Bella Bella - 1932
Hole & Sons, F. H - Kamloops - 1929
Hole, William Howard - Kamloops - 1932
Holmes, H. C. & Mrs. A. M - New Westminster - 1926