Abbey, 55
Adams, J. M., 69
Aerial Service Company Limited, Regina, 132-133
Agricultural machinery, 117;
- binders, 44;
- combines, 117, 190;
- hay sweeps, 42-43;
- plows, 15, 40, 41;
- seed drills, 42;
- steam engines, 41;
- threshing machines, 44, 45;
- trucks, 118-119;
- walking plows, 40
- co-operatives, 108, 110-111;
- harvesting, 44, 45, 116-117;
- haying, 42-43, 119, 167;
- listing, 168-169;
- loans for war veterans, 104;
- migration, 165;
- production, 108;
- stooking, 116-117;
- wartime production, 98-99.
Agriculture, Department of:
- Better Farming Train, 112-113;
- field day, 113
Ahenakew, Edward, 14
Airplanes, 132-133;
Tiger Moth, 182
Ajawaan Lake: Beaver Lodge, 147
Alsask, 122-123
Anderson cart, 162
Anglican Church:
- choirs, 90;
- Holy Trinity,
- Stanley Mission, 8-9
Arcola, 131
Automobiles, 163;
- manufacturing, 78;
- service stations, 134-135
Awde, Tom, 69
Baker, George, 188
Band, A., 130
Banking: pioneer, 68
Bare, David, 134-135
Barr Colonists, 32
Barr, Rev. Issac, 32
Baseball, 88
Batoche: ferry, 134
Battleford, 52
Beach, Enos, 44
Bell, Gordon, 68
Bennett buggy, 163
Bennett, R. B., 172, 175
Bentley, Frank, 148
Bentley, Jim, 148
Berry picking, 166-167
Better Farming Train, 112-113
Bibbings, Mrs. W. T., 89
Big Bear: Maple Creek camp, 1
Big Bear, Chief, 18
Biggar, 103;
McKinley and Mitchell Hardware Store, 68;
Railroad station, 177;
Royal Visit, 177;
Theater, 141
Big River, 120, 133
Billiards, 142
Bison: bones, 12;
Hunters Camp, 4
Blackfoot Indians, 12
Blaine Lake, 136
Boharm, 40-41
Bombing and Gunnery School
- Number Five, 182
Boulton's Mounted Infantry, 20
Boy Scouts: Victory Bond drive, 98
Breaking land, 40, 41.
- See also Clearing land
Breed, E., 127
Breland, Pascal, 11
Brethren Church, 34-35
Brick plant, 78
Bridges, 134, 170-171
British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, 182
Bryce, G., 15
Buchanan, 151
Buchanan, Lt.-Col. G. B., 188
Buffalo. See Bison
Cameron Highlanders, 93
Canadian Emigration Offices, London, England, 24-25
Canadian Pacific Company, 134
Canadian Pacific Railway, 62;
Hotel, 126-127
Canadian Standard Automobile and Tractor Company, 78
Canadian Wheat Board, 108
Canoes, 120
Capling, J. A., 166
Carlyle, 66, 131
Caron, 64
Carrot River, 164
Cassidy, A., 130
Cedar Lake, 7
Chautauqua, 139
Children: farm chores, 52
Churches: St. Peter's Cathedral,
Muenster, 85
Churchill Lake, 120
Churchill River, 122
Churchill River Power Company, 122
Clark, W. C., 46
Clearing land, 40, 41, 166.
See also Breaking land
Clerk, Council of the North-West Territories, 11
Coal mines: Estevan, 74-75, 158
Coffee, 57
Cold Water Coulee, 12
Coldridge School District, 80
Collingwood, Herman, 27, 62
Condie, 90
Condie Anglican Church Choir, 90
Convery, Corline, 53
Cooperative marketing, 108, 109
Cote, N. Omer, 22
Council, North-West Territories, 11
Courval School District, 155
Crampton, P., 47, 66
Cree Indians: drummers and dancers, 2
Crescent Collieries, Limited, 75
Crozier, Superintendent L. F. N., 19
Cumberland district, 7
Cumberland House, 7
Cummingham, Alex, 66
Curling, 86
Cycling: Fort Qu'Appelle, 86-87
Cypress Hills, 12
Dafoe, 182
Dale, S. B., 66
Dances, 89
Davis, Charles, 37
Dayman, Peter, 48-49
Delaronde, 120
Dewdney, Lt.-Gov. Edgar, 11
Depression, 166;
Pioneer, 55-56, 57
Dinsmore, 189
Doerfler, Abbot Bruno, 85
Dogs, 37
Dominion Lands Act: colonization companies, 16
Dominion Land Office and Customs Office, Maple Creek, 30
Dore Lake, 120
Doukhobors, 34
Doukhobor reserve, 31
Drought, 156-157, 163, 164, 169
Dumont, Gabriel, 18
Dundurn, 172-173, 181
Dunkirk, 122
Dust storms, 157
Duval, 68
Eagle Creek School District, 81
Eastend, 62, 144
Education, 80;
Indians, 14;
Pioneer, 82
Elections, Saskatchewan: 1944, 187;
Active Service Vote, 1944, 187;
Moose Jaw by-election, 1923, 106-107
Electric power, 122
Elementary Flying Training School, Number Six, 182
Elevators, 46, 48, 118
Embree, Joseph, 117
Ernfold, 53
Erwood, 166-167
Estevan, 46, 65, 74-75, 156-157;
Crescent Collieries, Limited, 75
Estevan Riot, 158-159
Exhibitions, 138.
- See also Chautauqua
Farm life, 52
Farm Boys' Camp, Melfort, 114
Farmers' Union of Canada, 109, 160
Farmer-Labor Group, 161
Farm Girls' Week, 114-115
Farms: abandoned, 156
Fawcett, S. D., 120
Ferguson, Dr. George, 129
Ferries, Batoche, 134
Fester, Rudolph, 150-151
Fisher, Dalton W., 130
Fishing, 120
Flannigan, Kathleen, 144
Fleskes, Theodore, 85
Flin Flon, 122
Flour and flour mills, 76
Food supply, 55, 56
Forest fire protection, 133
Forget, Lt.-Gov. A. E., 11, 60
Fort a la Corne, 17
Fort Carlton, 4-5
Fort Qu'Appelle:
Sanatorium, 128-129
Fort Qu'Appelle Cycling Club, 86-87
Foster River, 153
Francis, J. B., 190
Fredericks Camp, 121
Friesen, Sarah, 56
Fusilier, 122
Galicians, 150-151
Gas: well drilling, 76
Gatling gun, 20
Geddes, J. D., 11
Geological Survey of Canada, 12
Germans, 150-151
Giesbrecht, David, 166
Good, William, 139
Goulet, R., 22
Govan, 42
Graders, 124
Grain Marketing, 46, 47, 48, 49
Grand Rapids, 7
Grasshoppers, 166
Green Lake, 7
Grey, Earl, 60
Grey, Lady, 60
Grey Owl, 146-147
Groome, R. J., 133
- assembling, 183;
- Bren gun, 180
Half-Breed Claims Commission, 22
- Half-Breed Scrip, 22
Hamilton, J. C. C., 11
Harmon, Daniel William, 2
Harris, 54-55
Harris, G. A., 69
Haultain, Sir. Frederick William Gordon, 48, 58-59, 83
Hawkes, John, 61
Hawthorne, Mabel (Wilson), 57
Heward Rural Telephone Company, 69
Highways, Department of, 134
Holdfast, 68
Homesteading, 17, 40, 41, 52, 55, 57;
- isolation, 36-37;
- land rushes, 31;
- legislation, 30;
- supplies, 33
Hood, Robert, 2
Hoover, Israel, 34-35
Hopkins, E. N., 106-107
Horace Greeley Ranch, Maple Creek, 39
Horses, 32
- St. Chad's Military Hospital, Regina, 96;
- St. Paul's Hospital, Saskatoon, 84;
- General Hospital, Weyburn, 84;
- Queen Victoria Cottage Hospital, Yorkton, 84;
- Victoria Hospital, Regina, 84;
- Weyburn Mental Hospital, 129.
- See also Sanatoria
- Hotel Saskatchewan, Regina, 126-127;
- prohibition, 101;
- Windsor Hotel, Saskatoon, 101
- Doukhobor, 34;
- pioneer, 17, 34-35
Howard, Alex, 53
Howard, Capt., 20
Hryhoriw School District, 151
Hudson's Bay Company, 4, 7;
- lands, 13
Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company, 122
Hughes, Albert, 66
Hunting: rabbits, 55
Hutchinson, William, 27, 44
Ile-a-la-Crosse, 23
Imhoff, Berthold, 85
Immigration, 150-151;
- promotion, 24-25;
- steamships, 26-27;
- trains, 28, 29
Inauguration ceremonies, 60-61
Independent Labor Party, 161
Indian Head, 48
Indian women:
- drying berries, 3;
- preparation of skins, 2-3
Indians, 9, 153;
- diet, 2;
- dwellings, 1, 9;
- education, 14;
- farming, 14, 15;
- life style, 1;
- reserves, 13
Industries, 124
Irvine, A. G., 11
Irvine, Rev. David, 34-35
Island Falls Power Development, 12
Jackson, T. W., 11
Jefferson, Robert, 1
J. R. Warn Ranch, Reliance, 38
Keddleston, 54-55
Keely, 120
Keepness, James, 14
Kennedy, Allan, 73
Kidd, George, 44
King George VI, 176-177
Kinsey, Amos, 17
Kirk, Lawrence E., 113
Kistruck, S., 130
Ku Klux Klan, 154
Lac du Brochet, 7
Lac la Ronge, 7
Ladder Lake, 133
Ladder Lake Company, 73
Lady Minto Cottage Hospital Fund, 84
Lancer, 55
Landrose Post Office, 36-37
La Plonge, 120
Larson, Lars, 55
Larson, Martin, 34-35
Latour, Wilfrid, 177
Lauder, A. W., 42
Laurier, Lady, 60
Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 60, 83
Law enforcement, 10, 101, 130-131
Leask, 124, 125
Legislative Assembly, North-West Territories, 11
Legislative Building, 61; Legislative Library, 61
Leslie and Wilson Flour Mill, Saskatoon, 77
Libraries, 149, travelling, 149
Lieutenant-Governor, North-West Territories, 11
Light, Alice, 148
Lindsay, Corp. M. F., 131
Liquor laws: still, 131
Lloydminster, 37
Logging, 73
London, England: Canadian Emigration Offices, 24-25 Lorenzo, 152
Lovell, W.: road gang, 72
Lumbering, 121
McAra, Peter, 129
McDonald, A., 86
McDonald, Const. Martin, 131
Macdowall, D. H., 11
McGibbon, J. A., 101
McIllree, Mrs. J. H., 60
McIntosh, Edna Staples, 157
MacIntosh, Ruth, 53
Mackay, Rev. John Alexander, 8
MacKenzie, R. H., 136
MacLavertys, 52
MacLean, Hugh, 93, 129
Macleod, J. F., 11
McNaughton, Violet, 54-55
Manitou Lake, 139
Maple Creek, 12, 69, 76, 90, 91;
- Big Bear's camp, 1;
- Dominion Land Office and Customs Office, 30;
- Horace Greeley's Ranch, 39
- Maple Creek Gas, Oil and Coal Company Limited, 76
- Maple Creek News, 69
Marchwell, 57
Marks, Charles, 113
Marshall, 37
Matthiesen, John, 46
Meat: butchering, 56
Melfort Band, 90
Melfort Farm Boys' Camp, 114
Melgund, Lord, 19
Metis, 18, 22;
- children, 23;
- freighters, 6; hunters, 4;
- interpreters, 4;
- traders, 4, 6.
- See also Half-Breed Claims Commission;
- North-West Rebellion
Midale, 113
Middleton, Maj.-Gen. F., 19, 20
Midland Battalion, 20
Military Hospitals Commission, 96
Millar, John, 48
Mines: Estevan, 74-75
- See Saskatoon berries
Mistatim, 120-121
Mitchell, J., 44
Mitchell, Sylvia, 52
Mitchell, Walter, 68
Montreal Lake, 7
Moore, W. T., 70-71
Moose Jaw, 33, 37, 50-51, 95, 109;
- brick plant, 78;
- by-election, 1923, 106-107;
- departure of troops,1914, 95;
- prohibition, 101;
- public utilities, 70;
- Saskatchewan Provincial Police, 130;
- service stations, 134-135;
- sports, 88
Moose Mountains, 131
Moosomin, 17;
Cree Indian drummers and dancers, 2
Morse, 164
Mosquitoes, 52
Motherwell, W. R., 48-49
Motorcycle, Regina police, 130
Mowery, Doreen, 166
Moyer, Merino, 34
Muenster, 85; St. Peter's Cathedral, 85
Munday, Sgt., 188
Munro, W. H., 61
Murch, A., 55
Murray, Walter C., 83
Music, 90-91;
- bands, 90;
- choir, 90
Napier, W. H., 4
Navy Day, 188-189
Niderost, Carl, 177
Nipawin, 130; bridge, 134
Norquay, 118
North Battleford, 124
Northern Electric and Manufacturing Company Limited:
advertisement, 69
North-West Mounted Police, 6, 19;
- constables, 10;
- parades, 10;
- patrols, 10;
- prohibition, 101
North-West Field Force, 19
North-West Rebellion, 16, 18, 19, 20, 176-177
North-West Territories:
- finances, 59;
- government, 59;
- School Ordinance, 1884, 80
North-West Territories Council, 11
Notawasquitaway, Thomas, 14
Oliver, F., 11
On to Ottawa Trek, 174-175
Ormiston, 122
Otter, Lt.-Col. W. D., 19
Ouellette, Josie Olsen, 81
Oxbow, 80
Oxen, 33, 40
Palmer, W. G., 54-55
Pambrun, John, 177
Parker, Charles, 177
Parker, Howard, 91
Pas Lumber Company, 121
Patrol boat, Saskatchewan
Provincial Police, 130
Pelican Narrows, 7
Pelly, Joe, 7
Pemmican, 2
Perry, A. B., 6
Peter Pond Lake, 120
Peterson, 55
Pest control, 166
Picnics, 143
Pipestone Creek, 66
Poolroom, 142
Portage la Loche, 7, 8
Porter, John, 34-35
Porter, Ora, 34-35
Post offices:
- Landrose, 36-37;
- Zorra, 37
Poundmaker, Chief, 18
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act, 168-169
Preeceville, 34-35
Prince Albert, 7, 63, 136, 182;
- chautauqua, 139;
- curling, 86;
- exhibition, 138
Prince Albert National Park, 146-147
Prince of Wales, visit, 105
Progressive Party, 106-107
Prohibition, 100, 101
Proud, Les, 69
Provincial boundaries, 48
Provincial Equal Franchise League, 100
Provincial Music Festival, 90
Provincial status, 59
Pyne, Corp. R. S., 131
Pyne, R., 130
Qu'Appelle Mission, 8
Queen Elizabeth, 176-177
Radio, 148, 183
- branch lines, 16, 62-63;
- bridges, 134;
- colonist cars, 29;
- construction, 62;
- grain blockade, 48;
- harvest excursion, 116-117;
- riding the rods, 172;
- snow removal, 137;
- railroad stations, 64-65
Ramsay, R. D., 114
- branding, 39;
- cattle, 38-39;
- horses, 38;
- sheep, 37
Redford, 72
Redmond, W. J., 69
Red River carts, 6, 9
Redvers, 34
Reekie, Rev. W. P., 142
Regina, 60-61, 64, 109;
- Aerial Service Company Limited, 132-133;
- airplanes, 132;
- Belgium Relief Fund drive, 96-97;
- cyclone; 70-71;
- declaration of First World War, 92-93;
- Hotel Saskatchewan, 126-127;
- police, 130, 175;
- St. Chad's Military Hospital, 96;
- Sherwood Building, 110-111;
- sports, 88;
- Victoria Hospital, 84;
- Victory Bond sales, 1918, 98
Regina Industrial School, 14
Regina Industries Limited, 183
Regina Normal School, 83
Regina Rifles, 187
Regina Riot, 175
Reilly, Ruby, 69
- J. R. Warn Ranch, 38
Relief, 170-171
Relief camps, 172-173, 175
Relief Camp Trekkers, 174-175
Richard, S., 163
Richardson, H., 11
Richardson Road Machinery, Saskatoon, 124
Riel, Louis, 18, 20, 21;
- trial and execution, 20-21
- conditions, 136;
- construction, 72;
- maintenance, 136
Roblin, R. P., 48
Robson, John, 78
Roman Catholic Church, 85
Roseland, Mrs., 36-37
Rosetown, 89
Ross, J. H., 11
Rosthern, 112
Rouleau, C. B., 11
Rowles, Edith C., 114-115
Royal Canadian Air Force, 133
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 131, 170-171, 175.
- See also North-West Mounted Police
Royal visits, 176-177;
- Prince of Wales, 105
Runciman, James P., 61
Russians, 152
St. Boswells, 117
St. Chad's College, Regina, 96
St. Chad's Military Hospital, Regina, 96
St. Laurent, survey, 13
St. Luke, 40
St. Walburg, 85, 151, 160
Sampson, Insp. L. J., 170
Sanatoria, 128-129
Sapiro, Aaron, 109
Sash and door factory, 124
- inauguration ceremonies, 60-61
Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League, 129
Saskatchewan Dairy Pool, 110-111
Saskatchewan Grain Growers' Association, 50, 109, 110-111, 160;
- convention, 1914, 50, 51.
- See also Territorial Grain Growers' Association;
- Women's Grain Growers' Association
Saskatchewan Live Stock Pool, 110-111
Saskatchewan Markets Commissioner, 110
Saskatchewan Pool Elevators, 110-111
Saskatchewan Poultry Pool, 110-111
Saskatchewan Provincial Police, 130
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, 109, 111;
- information tent, 110
Saskatoon, 32, 65, 109, 127, 144, 176, 183, 184-185;
- Albert's Cafe, 66-67;
- Broadway Bridge, 170-171;
- Leslie and Wilson Flour Mill, 77;
- police, 131, 170-171;
- relief, 170-171;
- Richardson Road Machinery, 124;
- Royal visit, 105;
- St. Paul's Hospital, 84;
- stampede, 105;
- Technical Collegiate Institute, 183;
- Victory Loan drive, 184;
- Windsor Hotel, 101
Saskatoon berries, 2-3
Saskatoon Light Infantry (M. G.), United Kingdom, 184
Saskatoon Riot, 170-171 Scandinavian settler, 57
Schools, 151, 155;
- building plans, 80;
- Coldridge, 80;
- Eagle Creek, 81;
- facilities, 81;
- field days, 82;
- recreation, 81
Scots: immigration, and settlement, 28
Scott, Walter, 58, 59, 88, 100
Sedley, 190
Self, Harry, 33
Seton, G., 4
Shannon, Robert W., 61
Sheets, Capt., 20
Shellbrook: theater; 141
Shell Lake, 164
Smith, Benjamin, 40-41
Smith, Hembrow F., 29, 32
Snipe Lake, 113
Social Credit party, 161
Sodium sulphate, 122-123
Soil drifting, 156, 169
Soldier Settlement Act, 104
Soldier Settlement Board, 104
South Saskatchewan Regiment, 188-189
South Saskatchewan River, 144
Sports, 86;
- baseball, 88;
- cycling, 86-87
Sports days, 90
Stanley Mission, 8-9
- Northcote, 20;
- NorthWest, 20
Stearns, Charlie E., 91
Stearns, Charlie W., 91
Stearns, Jack, 91
Stearns, Jean, 91
Stock, A. B., 39
Suffrage: petition, 1913, 100
- geological, 12;
- township plans, 13
Swain, Thomas, 177
Swedberg, Hulda, 57
Swift Current, 109
Swift Current Creek, 12
Swimming, 144-145
Tableau of Four Freedoms, Saskatoon, 184
Teachers: training, 83
Telephones: rural, 69
Temperance, 101
Territorial Grain Growers' Association, 48, 49, 50
- fire curtain, 141;
- motion picture, 141
The Pas, 7
Third Canadian Infantry Division, 187
Tisdale, 72;
- sports day, 90
Touchwood Hills: Trading House, 22
Towns, 66
Traill, W. E., 4
Transportation: grain, 47, 48, 49, 118
Trapping, 120
Turriff, J. G., 11
Tuxford, Lt.-Col. George, 94
Twenty-seventh Light Horse, 95
- See Galicians Unemployed:
- drifters, 172
- Unemployment, 170-171, 172-173
United Farmers of Canada (Saskatchewan Section), 109, 160, 161
University of Saskatchewan, 83;
- Administration building, 83;
- Better Farming Train, 112-113;
- College of Agriculture building, 83;
- Department of Extension,
- farm boys, 114;
- Department of Extension,
- farm girls, 114-115;
- field day, 113;
- laying cornerstone, 83
Updike, Ted, 120
Urban municipalities: public utilities, 70, 136
Victoria Plains, 137
Wagon, grain transportation, 118
Wagon and oxen, 33
Wagon and team, 17
Wakaw, 151;
poolroom, 142
Waldron, W., 110
- First World War, Belgium Relief Fund, 96-97;
- First World War, declaration of, 92-92;
- First World War, hospitals, 96;
- First World War, recruiting in, 94;
- First World War, soldier settlement, 104;
- First World War, veterans parade, 103;
- First World War, victory, 102;
- First World War, Victory Bond sales, 98;
- Second World War, air crew training, 182;
- Second World War, D-Day, 187;
- Second World War, declaration of war, 178-179;
- Second World War, rationing, 186;
- Second World War, training troops, 180-181;
- Second World War, victory, 188;
- Second World War, Victory loans, 184-185
Warren, Joe, 188
Waskesiu Lake:
- campground, 147
Wasserman, August, 85
Water supply:
- dugouts, 169;
- hauling water, 54-55
Wawota, 66
West, Edward, 42
Weston, Thomas Chesmer, 12
Weyburn, 110, 188-189;
- Mental Hospital, 129;
- Weyburn General Hospital, 84
- Early Triumph, 112;
- Kitchener, 112; Red Bobs, 112;
- Supreme, 112
Wheat Pool, 108
Wheeler, Seager, 112
White, A. T., 69
White, Wm., 11
White Mud River, 144-145
White Shore Lake, 122
Whitewood, 40, 53
Wilkinson, David, 54-55
Williams, Col., 20
Williams, George H., 160
Windsor Hotel, Saskatoon, 101
Wireless trainees, 183
Wolseley, 48, 49
Women: farm chores, 53, 57;
-meetings, 51;
- milking, 53;
- suffrage, 100;
- swimwear, 144
Women Grain Growers' of Saskatchewan, 51
World Wheat Championship, 112
Wroxton, 82
Yonge, G. W. V., 17
York boat, 7
York Farmers' Colonization Company, 16
Yorkton, 16, 31;
- Queen Victoria Cottage Hospital, 84
Young, H. B., 61
Zorra, 37