Alberta Trappers & Muskrat Breeders Association - Edmonton, Alta.
Arrow Lake Fur Breeders Association - Box 115, Nakusp, B.C.
B.C. Fur Breeders Association - 4180 Douglas Rd., New Westminster, B.C.
Canadian Master Furriers Association - 2170 St. Catharines St. W., Montreal, Que.
Calgary Fur Breeders Association - Calgary, Alta.
Canadian National Silver Fox Breeders Association - Summerside, P.E.I.
Canadian Mutation Mink Breeders Association - Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Chilliwack Fur Breeders Association - Box 159, Chilliwack, B.C.
Dominion Fur Council - Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Eastern Ontario Fur Breeders Association - R.R. 5, Kingston, Ont.
Edmonton Fur Breeders Association - Box 399, South Edmonton, Alta.
Furriers Credit Association of Canada Inc. - 55 York St., Toronto.
Furriers Guild of Canada - E. S. Birrell - 1465 Yonge St., Toronto.
Georgian Bay Fur Breeders Association - R.R. 5, Barrie, Ont.
Halton Wentworth Fur Breeders Association - Milton West, Ont.
Lower Mainland Fur Breeders Association - R.R. No. 7, New Westminster, B.C.
Manitoba Fur Breeders Association - Stonewall, Man.
New Brunswick Fur Farmers Association - E. M. Taylor, (Sec.). Fredericton, N.B.
North Western Ontario Fur Breeders Association - D. Schoales (Sec.),
505 Empire Avenue, Fort William, Ont.
National Chinchilla Breeders Association - Appleton, Ont.
Ontario Fur Breeders Association - W. H. Schaefer (Sec.) - 450 King St. E., Kitchener, Ont.
Quebec Fur Breeders Co-operative Association - C. A. Tessier, (Sec.),
61 Charest Blvd., Quebec, Que.
Qu'Appelle Valley Fur Breeders Co-operative Association - Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask.
Saskatchewan Fur Breeders Co-operative Limited - Duval, Sask.
Toronto York Mink Breeders Association - 34 Duncan St., Toronto, Ont.
Vancouver Island Mink Breeders Association - Saanichton, B.C.
Waterloo Fur Breeders Association - Tavistock, Ont.
Allen & Rosenthal, Toronto, Ont.
American Mink Co., 151 West 30th St., New York 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
Anning, Chadwick & Kiver Ltd., 15 Arthur St., London E.C. 4, England.
(In Canada, 507 McIntyre Block, Winnipeg, Man.)
American National Fur Breeders Association, Wausau, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
CANADIAN FUR AUCTION SALES CO. (QUEBEC) LTD., 210 Lagauchetiere St. W., Montreal, Que.
Canadian National Silver Fox Breeders Association, Summerside, P.E.I.
Dominion Fur Auction Sales, 171 James St., Winnipeg, Man.
EDMONTON FUR AUCTION SALES LTD., 10261 - 108 St., Edmonton, Alta.
HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY, Beaver House, London, England; also 100 McGill St., Montreal, Que.
LAMPSON, FRASER & HUTH, INC., 151 West 30th St., New York 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
LITTLE BROS. FUR SALES AGENCY LTD., Holden Bldg., East Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C.;
also The Seattle Fur Exchange, Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.,
Seattle Fur Exchange - Eastwood Holt Inc. New York, U.S.A.;
Eastwood & Holt Ltd., London, England.
Love, J. E., & Sons, 403 - 4th St. E., Calgary, Alta.
Montreal Fur Sales (Canada) Ltd., 395 Notre Dame St. W., Montreal 1, Que.
Morgan Fur Marketing Co., 407 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont.
New York Auction Co. Inc. - 226 W. 26th St., New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Northwest Fur Auction Co., 329 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.
P.E.I. Fur Pool, Summerside, P.E.I.
PEARLMAN & GOLDBERG, 178 - 182 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont.
Soudack Fur Auction Sales Ltd., William & Princess St., Winnipeg, Man.
Seattle Fur Exchange, Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.
Saskatchewan Fur Marketing Service, 1100 Broad St., Regina, Sask.
Simpson & Lea, 708 Centre St., Calgary, Alta.
Silberberg, George, 302 Water St., Vancouver, B.C.
Trappers Furs, 303A Pender St. W., Vancouver, B.C.
Western Canada Fur Pool Ltd., 184 James St. W., Winnipeg, Man.
Western Canadian Raw Fur Auction Sales Ltd., Corner Pender & Hamilton Sts., Vancouver, B.C.
Yaffe & Sons, J., 58 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Anderson Packers, Nels., 21 Murray Block, Fort William, Ont.
B.C. PACKERS LIMITED, Imperial Cannery, Steveston, B.C.; also P.O. Box 446, Calgary, Alta.;
also Armstrong, Gimli Fisheries Ltd., 807 Great Western Bldg., Winnipeg, Man.;
also McCosham Bldg., Edmonton, Alta.
BALLARD'S FOX & MINK FOODS LTD., DR., Box 460, Calgary, Alta.;
also 1178 River Rd., Lulu Is., Vancouver, B.C.
Burns, Morgan, Agincourt, Ont.
Caboal, M., 247 Water St. N., Galt, Ont.
Calgary Co-operative Fur Farmers' Association, 1701 - 11th St. E., Calgary, Alta.
Erielite Products Co., Fonthill, Ont.
FUR FARM SUPPLIES LTD., 10261 - 108th St., Edmonton, Alta.
Genest, Nadeau Ltd., Sherbrooke, Que.
James, F. T., Co. Ltd., 29 Church St., Toronto, Ont.
Kellogg Co. of Canada, Hexite Fox & Mink Feeds, London, Ont.
Lealand Company Ltd., Simcoe, Ont.
Longueuil Meat Exporting Co. Ltd., St. Lambert, Que.
MANITOBA PACKING LIMITED, 607 Dawson Rd., St. Boniface, Man.
Master Feeds, Toronto Elevators Ltd., Queen's Quay, Toronto, Ont.
Ralston Purina Co. Ltd., Woodstock, Ont., Toronto, Ont., Montreal, Que.
Ross Miller Biscuit Co. Ltd., Napanee, Ont.
Silver Tip Biscuit Co. Ltd., Moncton, N.B.
Stone, Wm., & Sons Ltd., Ingersoll, Ont.
VICTOR FOX INDUSTRIES LTD., 10330 - 104th St., Edmonton, Alta.
VIOBIN (CANADA) LTD., St. Thomas, Ont. Wheatley Industries Ltd., Wheatley, Ont.
Young, Gordon, 166 Keating St., Toronto, Ont.
Amiens Fur Co-operative Association Ltd., H. Fielden, Sec - Treas., Amiens, Sask.
ASSOCIATED FUR BREEDERS CO-OPERATIVE, President, T. C. Richardson, Fergus,
Ont.; Sec. - Treas., A. Parkinson, R.R. 4, Guelph, Ont.
Quebec Fur Breeders Co-operative, 61 Charest Blvd., Montreal, Que.
American Fur Breeder, 405 E. Superior. St., Duluth 2, Minn., U.S.A.
American National Fur & Market Breeder, Wausau, Wis., U.S.A.
Black Fox Magazine, 425 Fourth St., New York 16, N.Y., U.S.A.
Chinchilla Breeder, The, Appleton, Ont.
FOURRURES MAGAZINE, 13 rue d'Enghlen, Paris Xe, France.
Fur Age Weekly, 127 W. 30th St., New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Fur Directory, The, 124 W. 30th St., New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Fur Farming Journal, The, Box 649, Twin Falls, Idaho, U.S.A.
Fur Journal, The, Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.
Fur of Canada, 303 Kennedy St., Winnipeg, Man.
FUR TRADE JOURNAL OF CANADA, 588 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Toronto, Ont.
Fur Trade Review, 342 Madison Ave., New York N.Y., U.S.A.
Maritime Fur Breeder, Summerside, P.E.I.
National Chinchilla Breeder, Box 1806, Salt Lake City 12, Utah, U.S.A.
National Fur News, 444 - 17th St., Denver, Colo., U.S.A.
Pelleteries du Quebec, Les, 76 St. Joseph St. Quebec City, Que.
ALBERTA MINK PELTING SERVICE, 213 Burns Building, Calgary, Alta.
B.C. MINK PELTING SERVICE, 459 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C.
Creque's Pelting Service, Rte. 3, Box 475, Puyallup, Wash., U.S.A.
DOMINION REGALIA CO. LTD., 2 Elm St., Toronto, Ont. (Prize ribbons and badges.)
Ace Refrigeration Co., 223 Prince Edward Drive, Toronto 18, Ont.
APPLIANCE & HEATING LIMITED, 1144 Homer St., Vancouver, B.C.
Ayerst, McKenna & Harrison Ltd., 485 McGill St., Montreal, Que.
B.C. MINK PELTING SERVICE, 459 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C.
Bloomquist Machine Works, 1002-8th Ave. S., Wausau, Wis., U.S.A.
BRITISH ROPES CANADIAN FACTORY LTD., Granville Island, Vancouver, B.C.
BURNS, MORGAN, Agincourt, Ont.
CALGARY CO-OPERATIVE FUR FARMERS ASSN. LTD., 1701 - 11th St. E., Calgary, Alta.
Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
CANADIAN STEEL CORPORATION LTD., 624 Canada Cement Bldg., Montreal, Que.
(Farm and ranch fencing.)
Canadian Steel Strapping Co. Ltd., Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver.
CANADIAN TRADING POST, Box 199, Oshawa, Ont.
Champion Manufacturing Co., Salem, Ohio, U.S.A.
Colgate-Palmolive - Peet Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
Dixon, Palmer & Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.
Equipment and Supply Company, 833 Agnes St., New Westminster, B.C.
Fishermen's Co-operative Federation, 1 West Cordova, Vancouver, B.C.
Frigidaire - (in every city).
Fromm Laboratories Inc., Grafton, Wis., U.S.A.
FROST STEEL & WIRE CO. LTD., Hamilton, Ont. (Farm and ranch fencing.)
FUR FARM SUPPLIES LTD., 10261 - 108th St., Edmonton, Alta.
Hastings, R. & Co., Reston, Ont.
Hay Manufacturing Co., Racine, Wis., U.S.A.
Island Fur Cooperative Assn. (Mgr., C. H. Rennie), 1006 Government St., Victoria, B.C.
KETCHUM MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., Ottawa, Ontario, (Tags, seals, tattoos.)
McLennan, McFeely & Prior Ltd., Vancouver,
Victoria, New Westminster, B.C.
Pedlar People Limited, Oshawa, Ont.
Provincial Butchers' Machinery Co. Ltd., 393A Arlington Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Refrigeration Engineering Co., 217 Foshay Tower, Minneapolis 2, Minn., U.S.A.
RICE & McINTOSH, 2039 West 4th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. (Refrigeration and storage.)
Scott's Refrigeration & Electric, 119 John St., Weston, Ont.
Strathroy Flour Mills, Strathroy, Ont.
Valentine Equipment Co., 561 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Ill., U.S.A.
VIOBIN (CANADA) LTD., St. Thomas, Ont.
VICTOR FOX INDUSTRIES LTD., 10330 - 104th St., Edmonton, Alta.
Whitmoyer Laboratories Ltd., Yarmouth, N.S.
Wheatley Industries Ltd., Wheatley, Ont.
For copies of current game laws or details of fur farming in any state or province,
write to the officials below.
Officials From Whom Copies of Fur Laws May Be Obtained
ALBERTA: Fish and Game Commissioner, Department of Lands and Mines, Edmonton.
BRITISH COLUMBIA: Dept. of Agriculture, 650 Burrard Street, Vancouver.
MANITOBA: Director of Game and Fisheries, Department of Mines and Natural Resources, Winnipeg.
NEW BRUNSWICK: Chief Game Warden, Department of Lands and Mines, Fredericton.
NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: Director, Lands, Parks, and Forests Branch,
Department of Mines and Resources, Ottawa.
NOVA SCOTIA: Director, Department of Lands and Forests. Halifax.
ONTARIO: Minister, Department of Lands and Forests, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Game Inspector. Department of Agriculture, Charlottetown.
QUEBEC: Minister, Department of Game and Fisheries, Quebec.
SASKATCHEWAN: Game Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources, Regina.
ALASKA: Fish and Wildlife Service, Juneau; or Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D.C.
CALIFORNIA: Executive Secretary, Fish and Game Commission.
Department of Natural Resources, Ferry Building, San Francisco 11.
COLORADO: Superintendent cf Fur Resources, State Game and Fish Commission,
1350 Sherman Street, Denver.
CONNECTICUT: Game Technician, State Board of Fisheries and Game, Hartford 1.
DELAWARE: Chief Game Warden, Board of Game and Fish Commissioners, Dover.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Metropolitan Police, Washington.
IDAHO: Director, Department of Fish and Game, Boise.
ILLINOIS: Director. Department of Conservation, Springfield.
INDIANA: Director. Division of Fish and Game, Conservation Department,
State Library Building, Indianapolis 9.
IOWA: Director, State Conservation Commission, 10th and Mulberry Streets, Des Moines 8.
KANSAS: Director, Forestry, Fish and Game Commission, Pratt.
LOUISIANA: Director, Division of Furs and Refuges, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries,
Civil Courts Building, New Orleans 16.
MAINE: Chief Warden, Department of Inland Fisheries and Game, State House, Augusta.
MARYLAND: State Game Warden, Board of Natural Resources, Game and Inland Fish Commission,
510-514 Munsey Building, Baltimore 2.
MASSACHUSETTS: Commissioner, Department of Conservation, 15 Ashburton Place, Boston 8.
MICHIGAN: Game Division, Conservation Commission, Lansing 13.
MINNESOTA: Commissioner, Department of Conservation, State Office Building, St. Paul 1.
MONTANA: State Fish and Game Warden, State Fish and Game Commission, Helena.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Director, Fish and Game Department, State House Annex, Concord.
NEW JERSEY: Executive Secretary, Board of Fish and Game Commissioners, State House, Trenton.
NEW YORK: Director, Division of Fish and Game, Conservation Department, Albany.
NORTH DAKOTA: Game and Fish Commissioner, Game and Fish Department, Bismarck.
OHIO: Commissioner, Division and Natural Resources, Department of Agriculture, Columbus.
OREGON: State Game Commission, 1634 W. Alder Street, P.O. Box 4136, Portland 8.
PENNSYLVANIA: Executive Director, Pennsylvania Game Commission, Harrisburg.
UTAH: Director, State Fish and Game Commission, State Capitol Building, Salt Lake City.
VERMONT: Director, Fish and Game Service, Department of Natural Resources, Montpelier.
WASHINGTON: Director, Department of Game, State Game Commission, 515 Smith Tower, Seattle.
WISCONSIN: Game Management, Conservation Department, Madison 2.
WYOMING: State Game Warden, Wyoming Game and Fish Commission, Cheyenne.