who's who in furs.

Fur Farmers Saskatchewan

This is a listing of Fur Farmers Saskatchewan from
Who's Who of Fur Farming,
1951 - 1952.


Adam, John - Mildred.

Antonyk, Steve - Lipton.

Arnold, J. L. and Smith, W. E. - Meadow Lake.

Ashbury, Wm. - Buffalo Narrows.

Astell, Arthur - Alida.

Ausland, Halvor - Deep River Fur Farm - Ile-a-la-Crosse.

Barber, Bill - Lipton.

Baron, Jos. - Rama.

Bauman, Anton and Son - Meadow Lake.

Bedard, R.St. - Brieux.

Bennett, Sam - Dorintosh.

Bennett, R. G. - Dorintosh.

Billings, E. E. - Chitek.

Billing, N. W. - Sub. P.O. 10, Saskatoon.

Blackman, R. E. - Chitek Lake.

Boyle, Art and Burke, Walter - Canwood.

Bratburg, Arthur - Mullinger.

Brehmer, H. R. - Bertwell.

Bremer, D. C. - Box 116, Battleford.

Briere, Paul - Ponteix.

Brown, H. W. - Dorintosh.

Brown, Geo. and Craig L. - Moose Jaw.

Brown, Mrs. Pearl and Douglas - Moose Jaw.

Brown. Bill - Valbrand.

Burroughs, W. B. - Chaplin.

Campbell, Archie - 239 Main St., Saskatoon.

Carlson, Gust - Candle Lake.

Chartier, Eugene - Buffalo Narrows.

Chickowski, John - Brombury.

Christie, Thos. E. - Zala.

Clark, H. G. and Son - Kelliher.

Clark, Dr. A. J. - Weyburn.

Coles, Frederick, C. - Candle Lake.

Cook, Lowell A. - Earl Grey.

Cook, Kenneth - Hazel Dell.

Copeland, S. - Meadow Lake.

Collin, L. - St. Victor.

Crabb, Omar (Prairie Pride Mink Ranch) - Rouleau.

Cranston, C. N. and Leonard H. - Glen Ewen.

Crichton, C. A. - Moose Jaw.

Crook, E. J. and E. E. - Fort Qu'Appelle.

Daciw, M. - Sheho.

Dagdick Bros. - Lestock.

Dahl, Melmer S. - Perigord.

Dahlin, J. Godfrey - Norquay.

Darbyshire, Fred and Nora - Ile-a-la-Crosse.

Davis, R. W. - Island Falls.

Dearden, J. E. - Kamsack.

Dedecker, Jules - Montmartre.

Dennis, J. E. - Dorintosh.

Dimond, E. and Son - Kelliher.

Eischen, Max - LeRoy.

Eldridge, H. S. - Dore Lake.

Elenko, John - Lizard Lake.

Ellerton, N. W. - Riverhurst.

Erickson, Albert - Box 197, Estevan.

ERICKSON, CARL F. - Fort Qu'Appelle.
Mink: Pastels, Silverblus, Breath-of-Spring
Silverblu, Dominant Whites, Standards.
Fox: Arctic Blues, Standard Silvers, Platinums.

Erickson, John - Le Ross.

Fielden, H. - Amiens.

Filipowich, Mrs. Enid - Arran.

Finch, Thomas F. - Dorintosh.

Fisher, Frank - Ile-a-la-Crosse.

Francis, J. W. and W. J. - Whitewood.

Fraser, Harry W. - Tyvan.

Fraser, W. F. - Beacon Hill.

Friesen, Eric A. - Rosthern.

Frisko, John - Magyar.

Froh, John - McLean.

Gagne, John E. - Pontiex.

Gamache, C. E. - Fond-du-Lac.

Gauthier, E. andC. - Gravelbourg.

Geletta, Nick - Hubbard.

Georges, Kurt - Ile-a-la-Crosse.

Golien, Matt - Kelliher.

Gould, G. E. - Box 32, Moose Jaw.

Gorrill, Harold - Ponteix.

Grams, Fred - Mont Nebo.

Groome, W. H. - Kelliher.

Halliday, Mrs. C. M. - Lestock.

Halvorsen, J. andPederson, R. - Buffalo Narrows.

Hansen, Viggo - Buffalo Narrows.

Hansen, Walter E. - LeRoy.

Hanselman, Otto - 434 8 St., Saskatoon.

Hanson, Curly - Candle Lake

Hanson Bros. Fur Farm - Fort Qu'Appelle.

Haydukewich, Frank - Candle Lake.

Heydon, M. and0. - 1701 Ave. B., Saskatoon.

Hilczyna, Harry - Margo.

Holman, L. W. - Lampman.

Hosaluk Bros. - Rama.

Hoskins andAnderson - Broadview.

Howe, E. W. - Sheho.

Humphries, H. R. - Estevan.

Husak, Mrs. Mary - Dore Lake.

Hynne, John - Meadow Lake.

Inglis, D. W. andKrupp, W. J. - Togo.

Jackson, Fred W. - Fort San.

Jackson, Sam andSon - Alicla.

Jacobson, John - Buffalo Narrows.

Jensen, Erik - Blue Heron.

Johnson, Cecil L. - Stockholm.

Johnson, Fred - Cold Lake.

Johnson, Fredolph - Chitek Lake.

Johnson, Verner andCarl - Dore Lake.

Johnston, R. W. - Pilot Butte.

Kecho, Steve - Lestock.

Kemp, Clifford H. - Big River.

Kerr, B. B. andWhelihan, J. A. - Carlyle.

Kirstein, Gus B. - Strasbourg.

Klasowsky, Walter - Lipton.

Klassen, P. - Big River.

Klatt, Albert - Earl Grey.

Kochinski, Miss Caroline - Hubbard.

Kopp, Hubert D. - Humboldt.

Kopp, Henry andLoehi - Livelong.

Kopp, Joe - Box 67, Humboldt.

Kopp, John - Humboldt.

Kosiuk, Mike - Gen. Del. Saskatoon.

Kovalench, Steve - Fitzmaurice.

Kragh, Adolph - Kandahar.

Lane, I. H. - Valbrand.

Latta, W. G. - Punnichy.

Lavoie, P. E. - Ile-a-la-Crosse.

Lavoie, L. - Rosetown.

Lee, W. T. - Rouleau.

LeBastard, Jean - Eastend.

Le Chasseaur, Dave. - Meadow Lake.

Leonard, Carl - Glen Ewen.

Lewis, C. T. andH. Tasche - Eastend.

Lien, B. - Naicam.

Lightfoot, N. W. and D. Stone - Maple Creek.

Lind, Henfred andK. Wallin - Porcupine Plain.

Linder, Alois - St. Gregor.

Lodoen Bros. - Fox Valley.

Loucks, J. - Gordon.

Love, E. and Sons - Steep Creek.

Lovell, H. R. andJ. W. - Keystown.

Malinoski, N. J. - Goodeve.

Malinowski, J. "Shorty" - Big River.

Mahoney, Lee - Saskatoon.

Martin, D. C. and Hodgson, G. M. - St. Brieux.

Martin, Melvin C. - Big River.

Mazuren, Peter - Meadow Lake.

Mellinger, Anton - Dore Lake.

Merrett, J. D. - Mankota.

Mirk, Fred and Alex - Jedburgh.

Mlazgar, W. J. - Fort Qu'Appelle.

Monulak, W. and Akeniuk, J. - 301 Victoria. Regina.

Moroz, D. M. - Margo.

Moroz, E. - Sheho.

Moroz, Fred - Sheho.

Moroz, Peter - Sheho.

Moroz, Wm. - Margo.

Morrison, L. W. - Chemong.

Mummery, Basil B. - 322 8th St. E., Prince Albert.

MacDonald, R. H. Dr. - 604 Canada Bldg., Saskatoon.

MacPherson, Carl - Sub. P.O. 10, Saskatoon.

McCaw, J. L. and Sons - Fort Qu'Appelle.

McGregor, T. W. - 226 8th St. E., Saskatoon.

McNeil, A. K. and Sons - Fort Qu'Appelle.

Norman, Gisli - Denare Beach P.O. (via Flin Flon, Man.).

Nahnybida, Jim - Arran.

Nielson, Olaf - Big River.

Nightingale, Harry - Okla.

Noeth Bros. - Red Cross.

Norman, G. andE. - Denare Beach.

Norton, A. J. - Buffalo Narrows.

Olsen, Edwin E. - Big River.

Olson, Oscar - Watson.

Orban, Frank - Arbury.

Orbeck, Olaf - Livelong.

Ostapowich, H. - Foam Lake.

Palmer, Z. G. - Dorintosh.

Parkhill, W. H. and Olaf Barrow - Weyburn.

Parsons, F. R. - Scotsguard.

Pasternak, Pete - Big River.

Pederson, Tom - Buffalo Narrows.

Perkins, Walter - Ridgedale.

Perry H. - 808 College St., Regina.

Peterman Bros. - 959 River St. W., Moose Jaw.

Petersen, Jas. E. - Porcupine Plain.

Petit, Joe - Buffalo Narrows.

Pich, Fred - Reserve.

Piat, T. D. - 1702 Ave. C., North Saskatoon.

Poulsen, P. W. - Box 101, Foam Lake.

Publicover, W. - Buffalo Narrows.

Richter, John - Nokomis.

Ringrose, Jas. Clayton - Weyburn.

Robert, D. - Montmartre.

Rooke, Thomas - Saskatoon.

Rosko, J. - Success.

Rosom, John A. - Davin.

Rouleau Fox and Mink Ranch - Rouleau.

Rundbraaten, Einer - Waitville.

Saville, Cecil A. - Kelliher

Scheves, Mrs. S. - Box 53, Estevan.

Schmidt, Mrs. Clara - Box 12, Cold Lake.

Schneider, Adolph - Goodsoil.

Schlemeier, Karl - Loon Lake.

Schwarz, Otto - Pilot Butte.

Scott, Wm. - Marysburg.

Scott, Jos. - Pathlow.

Shrader, Mrs. W. R. - Foam Lake.

Seltzer, J. and Sons - 1637 Ave. C., North Saskatoon.

Spandier, J. H. - Box 156 Canora.

Stevenson, R. A. - Stone.

Storey, Alvar - Valbrand.

Storey, Arnold - Canwood.

Struss and Stratychuk - Sheho.

Swanvick, John - Buffalo Narrows.

Sweatman, Hugh - Kelliher.

Sweeney, William J. - Big River.

Theriau, Ed. - Ile-a-la-Crosse.

Thompson, John - Big River and Ile-a-la-Crosse.

Thomas, Tom - Buffalo Narrows.

Tuffnail, Arthur J. - Dorintosh.

Turner, Mrs. Annie - Saskatoon.

Tjernstrom andSons - Margo.

Uebele, Albert Wm. - Saskatoon.

Viden, Mrs. Mary - Dore Lake.

Walcer, Joe and Mary, - Deep River.

Wager, H. - Mossy Vale.

Wahl, Leonard - Kelliher.

Waldner, Clarence E. - Esme.

Way, Loren J. - Drinkwater.

Waywell, C. G. and McKay - Saskatoon.

Weidenfeller, Mrs. N. - Mildred.

Whitlock, Edward - Raymore.

Williams, Frank - Meadow Lake.

Willoughby, Ross - McLean.

Wilson. Hattie J. - Shell Lake.

Wohlgemuth, John - Cabri.

Wolfe, Robt. - Ordale.

Zatwarniski, Steve - Sheho.


Amundrud, Gilbert B. - Lloydminster.

Bellward, Jack - Rosetown.

Blythe, R. B. Mrs. - Lloydminster.

Carriss, J. A. - 250 14th St. West andReid, R. D. - 298 12th St. West, Prince Albert.

Collin, L. - Box 23, St. Victor.

Deary, A. E. - Prince Albert Sanatorium, Prince Albert.

Derker, J. H. - Medstead.

Dopko, Samuel R. - Box 93, Viscount.

Gantefoer, A. J. and R. F. - 851 100th St., North Battleford.

Gibson, Ernest M. andLowell - 2965 Cameron St. Regina.

Grothe, L. - Rosetown.

Harvey, Gertrude E. - Rosetown.

Hendrickson, Nellie Miss - Weldon.

Hodnik, Meroslaw - 206 Ave. L., South Saskatoon.

Kirk, Maurice M. - 206 1st Ave., Yorkton.

Klebeck, Lorne L - Edfield.

McKague, Jeanette Mrs. and Margaret Jean Miss
- Ste. 3A Cambridge Court, Saskatoon.

MacPherson Brothers - Box 128, Wynyard.

Pike, Roland - Maidstone.

Saunders Brothers - 713 5th Ave. N., Saskatoon.

Stolze, A. L. - Mervin.

Thuot, George Rev. - Billimun.

Townsend, C. J. - Box 654, Swift Current.

Trowbridge, E. J. Mrs. - 1209 7th Ave., Saskatoon.

Vicars, W. M. and Vagg, J. P. - 1965 Quebec St., Regina.


Vernon, H. - R.C.A.F. Station, Whitehorse, Yukon.

Erickson Fur Farm Advertisment.

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Author: Webmaster - jkcc.com
"Date Modified: August 4, 2024."

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